
  1. W

    Can HGH raise E2?

    I’ve been taking 3.3IU of HGH ED SubQ for 3 months. My IGF-1 increased from 100 to 260 (80-460). However, my E2 has increased quite a bit. Is this why?
  2. K

    How long does it take for HCG to kick in, or am I being impatient?

    Hello. Newbie here, based in the UK. Excuse long post. I’ve been on TRT for a decade now, for secondary hypogonadism, with many ups and downs. That darn pituitary gland! I’ll cover my full story another day, in case it helps others, but only in the past two years have I had treatment that has...
  3. W

    Not on TRT. Did DHEA and Pregnenolone raise my E2??

    Hello. This is my first post, although I have been a long time lurker. I started taking 50 mg DHEA and 50 mg Pregnenolone daily a few months back to treat low levels of both. My E2 appears to have increased from 25 to 34. My Free E2 is also very high, although this is the first time I have...
  4. M

    Another E2 dialin thread

    Hey guys, i have struggled dialing in my estrogen and i seek some advice from you guys. I've done numerous blood tests so i know roughly where i'm at in estrogen by feel, but you might not like that answer. Either way. Where i'm from TRT is done with nebido and arimidex is not something you get...
  5. D

    Glad to join this community... looking for guidance to feel more like myself! (Lab Results In Post)

    Hey all! Found this site a while ago and have been lurking a bit, but I think it's time I try taking my health into my own hands. The endo I've been working with here in Austin TX is nice, but she just hasn't been taking my issues seriously enough. A quick bit about me: I just turned 36, am...
  6. J

    Anyone try this topical estradiol?

    Anyone try this? How much? What did it do to bloods? Any changes with body brain or libido?
  7. A

    low shbg means high free E2 ?

    Hello all, I have seen this idea thrown around on trt and steroids forums that low SHBG causes high free E2 and that the use of DHT derivatives like Proviron, Anavar can cause gyno by lowering shbg = > high free Test => more aromatization. But as per this study SHBG preferentially binds to DHT...
  8. N

    I messed everything up.

    I haven’t been able to get HCG for 3 months now due to a shortage at my insurance pharmacy. things were GREAT about two weeks after I discontinued the HCG and I was HYPER-sexual like an 18 year old… it lasted about a month. then I started losing libido, sensitivity, and getting ED…. where I...
  9. T

    Started Nandrolone.

    Hello Everyone, I've posted here a few times, and I've been following for a little over a year. I've really struggled to feel good on test since my first three week honeymoon on cream ended. The struggle seems to be E related and I will pass through days with good results, but for the most...
  10. T

    Stopped my AI...

    Good Morning Everyone, I've been using an AI at various doses over the last year for estrogen management without much success. 12 days ago, I stopped taking my AI, and I don't really feel any better or worse. I am on the emotional side, but that happened occasionally while taking the AI. I...
  11. E

    E2 sweet spot, it's a ratio

    So I've been looking at some bloodwork, anytime my E2 passed my FT, I started to have high E problems. The bigger the difference, the bigger the side effects. Now anytime E2 was similar/closer to FT maybe just a couple of points below or above, I felt great. When E2 was much lower than FT, I...
  12. S

    CDG & DIM - what's the consensus these days?

    Hey guys, what’s the general consensus on calcium d-glucarate and DIM these days? More recently, I’ve read that both can also increase clearance of testosterone. Do they really help most guys or not? I do notice a libido boost on TRT when I take Cialis, which is known to lower E2.
  13. falconberg

    Low SHBG and Estradiol

    I've been on TRT since May 2016. I'm currently on a three-month break to reassess some things and am trying to educate myself so that I can hopefully have better results if I have to get back on (which is looking increasingly likely). I have low SHBG (currently around 18 NMOL/L, but as low as...
  14. T

    Cypionate Dose Reduction

    I have posted a few times about my challenges with e2 management. Well, I gave up trying to dial in with Arimidex, and decided to reduce my dose. My first reduction was from 140 to around 120. It wasn’t fun, but I managed. After 6 weeks my e2 was still running hot, so I went down to about 100 a...
  15. T

    What is going on??

    So I'm a low shbg guy and I have struggled over the past year with estradiol management. About three, four weeks ago I switched to an everyday protocol. I was on 40 mg every other day my new protocol was 16 mg daily. Well lo and behold I felt fine for a short while, but then I started to have...