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  1. FunkOdyssey

    Test ester metabolism and SC injections (everything we knew is wrong?)

    I remember a long time ago asking the question of whether depositing a testosterone oil depot in fatty tissue surrounded by aromatase could potentially increase E2 production. The universal answer: no, it couldn't possibly, because testosterone can't aromatize until the ester is cleaved off...
  2. T

    Homemade testogel

    Hello, is it possible to make testogel from injection oil? I’ve read on another forum people disolving testo P using DMSO and successfully getting the ester to enter topically. I don’t want to use DMSO in my gel though, read some bad stuff about that, there’s a reason why pharma grade testogel...
  3. I

    Short vs long esters

    Hello. I very much hope the great people and expertise in this forum to be able to help me. And my case is quite complicated. As described in my other thread I transferred from sustanon to enanthate 9 weeks ago. I felt good in week 5, but now I feel bad and I feel bad in a very specific way...
  4. I

    Switching from sustanon to enanthate

    Hello forum. Im switching from sustanon(122.5mg split in EOD) to enanthate(130mg split in two). I currently feel very bad. On sustanon I felt good but needed to inject in EOD cause the prop causes me spikes and Im sick of so much IM injectinons(sub q doesnt work for me). Also Im 20 percent BF...
  5. slicktop

    Cypionate vs Enanthate

    I'm going to start this off by admitting this doesn't make a lot of scientific sense- what I'm going to say is purely anecdotal and nothing more than my own experience, but just in case it can help someone else later on down the line, I'm going to put this out for discussion. This'll be a little...
  6. J

    Are there any legitimate proven reasons why cyp wouldn't work for someone, but another ester or delivery system would?

    Is there any proven reason, besides anecdotal experiences, where someone would need to use something like prop, gels, pellets, etc over just cypionate injections? If proper levels can be achieved with cyp, why would it make a difference? Also, I watched a video where Dr Gordon was saying that...
  7. Sean Mosher

    Cypionate/Prop Blend

    Haven't really encountered this yet at all really, but curious for any of you who switched from using just one of the main esters solely to a was the dosing adjusted? From what I've seen the blends seem to be 160mg/40mg/ml Cypionate to Propionate (10 or 5ml bottle). And did you...
  8. Pacman

    Different reactions to different esters?

    Is it possible that one's body does not react the same to cypionate, propionate, enanthate? I mean it is all the same hormone, so why would it be different? Did it ever happen to anyone where you inject similar protocols between similar esters (say 200 mg weekly cypionate and then start with...
  9. Pacman

    How long after the T injection are T levels the highest?

    I am asking about all three most common esters: cypionate, enanthate, propionate; because I know that the peak happens all at different times post-inection for all three of those... Generally speaking, I always do blood tests when my T levels are lowest (the day of my injection before I inject)...
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