erectile dtsfunction; shockwave; stem cell; prp

  1. S

    Anyone Know a Good PRP Doctor in NYC?

    Hi guys.. I'm looking for a very good doctor in NYC who does PRP. He's got to have a good modern filter machine, have years of experience doing PRP and isn't too expensive. He's got to be in NYC. Please let me know
  2. S

    A Uro Messed Me Up - Please Help!

    Hi guys, I was overseas in November and injected too much trimix. As a result, my erection lasted 3.5 hours. Pain ran on the right side from the tip of the penis to my testicle. After this incident, I now get nocturnal wood. So it's a good thing. But this is not the problem. In December, I...
  3. madman

    Changing Paradigm in the Diagnosis Band Management of ED

    Mohit Khera, MD, MBA, MPH, Professor of Urology and Director of the Laboratory for Andrology Research at the McNair Medical Institute at Baylor College of Medicine, identifies the paradigm shifts represented in 2018 guidelines for erectile dysfunction, and the current landscape of treating these...