
  1. Nelson Vergel

    Propionyl-L-carnitine (PLC) and acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) Enhance the Effectiveness of Viagra (Sildenafil)

    Propionyl-L-carnitine (PLC) and acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) have been shown to improve the effectiveness of sildenafil in treating erectile dysfunction, particularly in certain patient populations. Here are the key findings: Effectiveness in Post-Prostatectomy Patients A study involving 96...
  2. over60andusingtrt

    PT-141 Bremelanotide

    Has anyone tried this? If so, what were the pros and cons? It claims to induce erections and restore erectile function.
  3. B

    Cialis side effect management

    So when I take ANY PE5s I get really bad nasal congestion. So bad to the point where I would have to breathe out of my mouth and nose breathing is basically impossible. Any afrin-based nasal sprays work great! But the issue here is that Afrin-based sprays should not be used for more than 3 days...
  4. DixieWrecked

    Aerobic Exercise and Erections

    I always assumed that aerobic exercise would help improve erections and I have found studies/articles to back up that speculation. I wanted to pose the question to the gentlemen here, how much aerobic exercise do you do? Can you piece together any correlation between the amount of cardio you do...
  5. N

    Thinking of lowering T dose closer to my natural levels.

    So this is just me spot balling here but I've been on trt since late 2016. I'm 45 now.I mainly went on trt so that it would be easier to run a higher dose once or twice a year without having to pct. I also figured the added ability to hold muscle, extra energy, well being, etc, of trt would be...
  6. DixieWrecked

    Dose Too High = No Erections

    Is this true for some people? If it is true what is the mechanism of action? Does Test get some people too riled up and they can't relax enough to get an erection?
  7. N

    I'd like to hear some success stories about finding the right TRT protocol that solved your ED issues.

    I've been at this for 3 years on various doses and combinations of test, AI, and HCG, with ED issues being my last remaining unresolved side effect. Im unable to get bloods with the current state of the world so I'd just like to hear some encouraging stories from those were able to get things...
  8. Nelson Vergel

    Erectile Dysfunction 101 – Facts, Causes, and Management Options

    Erectile dysfunction (also known more commonly as impotence or sexual dysfunction) is the inability to maintain a sufficiently rigid erection for a satisfying sexual experience. According to the Global Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors, erectile dysfunction affects approximately 5-28% of...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    Pelvic floor exercises can help treat sexual dysfunction in men

    Kegel exercises have long been considered women's work. Because they tone the pelvic floor muscles that support the uterus, doctors encourage women to do them during pregnancy and continue them for life. Done for a few minutes a day, Kegels can ease childbirth, help with recovery, prevent...
  10. Nelson Vergel

    Hormone Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction

    The following paper reviews most studies that have investigated the role of hormones on erectile function. The enclosed table shows the findings of these studies. Endocrine evaluation of erectile dysfunction. Endocrine. Erectile...
  11. Nelson Vergel

    Primary vs Secondary Reduced Libido in Men- Risk Factors

    J Sex Med. 2013 Apr;10(4):1074-89. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12043. Epub 2013 Jan 24. Risk factors associated with primary and secondary reduced libido in male patients with sexual dysfunction. Corona G, Rastrelli G, Ricca V, Jannini EA, Vignozzi L, Monami M, Sforza A, Forti G, Mannucci E, Maggi M...
  12. Nelson Vergel

    Nitric Oxide Beads Beat Out Viagra In Treating Erectile Dysfunction

    Researchers have found 1 mm-wide plastic beads filled with nitric oxide to be more effective at treating erectile dysfunction than popular prescription drugs, such as sildenafil (Viagra). Preliminary tests found the beads effective on rats induced with type 2 diabetes; however, the effects are...
  13. Nelson Vergel

    Penile constriction rings

    Some men do not know about many of the new designs of cock rings that really help enhance erections and thickness of the penis. Here are a few made of different materials. Some guys like metal ones but I have found them uncomfortable. I like the ones made with neoprene or silicone. They are...
  14. Nelson Vergel

    Folic Acid Supplements Make Cialis Work Better in Men with Diabetes

    Group A was treated with tadalafil 10 mg every other day plus folic acid 5 mg daily and group B received tadalafil 10 mg every other day plus placebo daily for 3 months. Sexual function in diabetic patients with ED treated with the combination of tadalafil and folic acid...
  15. Nelson Vergel

    Folic Acid Boosts Cialis Effect in Men with Diabetes

    Group A was treated with tadalafil 10 mg every other day plus folic acid 5 mg daily and group B received tadalafil 10 mg every other day plus placebo daily for 3 months. Sexual function in diabetic patients with ED treated with the combination of tadalafil and folic acid...