equilibrium dialysis

  1. J

    Much wider Free Testosterone reference range in recent research on FT levels in healthy young men

    Very recent paper from October 2022. I'm not one to push for constant higher Free T levels or the idea that everyone 70 years ago was walking around with 1700ng/dL TT levels, but I thought this was interesting. They used equilibrium dialysis and a nonobese ("healthy") population of men, coming...
  2. T

    Pregnancy disrupts the accuracy of automated fT4 immunoassays

    https://etj.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/etj/11/6/ETJ-22-0145.xml Are we having fun yet?
  3. T

    Public Service Announcement: "Piss Poor" Direct RIA fT measurement (HELP is on the way)

    Hey Folks, thought I would update the graph for free T reference ranges based on LC-MS/MS+ED and compare with Labcorp's direct RIA fT reference range. What the hell do you do with with your direct fT measurement if you want to compare with equibrium dialysis reference ranges? Take the Labcorp...