endogenous production

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  1. B

    Unorthodox "cycle" idea

    Hey Gentleman! Im 29 yrs old (5'11, 210lbs and about 15-18%bf). Ive done several steroid cycles starting at 18 up until about 3 years ago with quite a lot of variation in terms of length of cycle, type of steroid, max dosage and stack combinations. Lately however, ive become more concerned with...
  2. K

    Is it true that low-dose TRT does NOT suppress own production?

    I‘m currently FURIOUS about my doc. Grrrrrr.... Backstory here. Anyway - is it true that you can give low-dose TRT as an „add-on“ in a low-enough dose that does not suppress your own production? My impression was that ANY exogenous test will suppress your own function. Any studies / medical...
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