
  1. S

    PCT Log (27 Y/O, 3 years on TRT)

    Hi all. Have used this forum for info before, but thought I'd make a log here to document my attempt at restarting natural production. Will use nmol/L and mmol/L measurements here for total/free testosterone in the format of total/free. To convert to ng/dl, multiply these numbers by 28.85 for...
  2. G

    ED with Enclomiphene and HCG

    Hi all, I've recently come off TRT in an efort to concieve, but am experiencing something I never have before either whiel on TRT or even before that - ED. Currently I'm taking Enclomiphene 25mg daily, HCG 500IU EOD, and Anastrozole 0.5mg EOD. I tend to be a high aromatizer. My recent bloodwork...
  3. aneuman

    Testosterone Cypionate and BPH - advice needed

    Hello guys, I've been under a protocol of Enclomiphene Citrate and HCG 3 times a week. Here are the breakdown of the results: Pros: Better mood. Used to have a short fuse before, now I'm more calmed. More optimistic Sleep has improved. Not ideal, but acceptable. Wake up many times, but manage...
  4. T

    Even good source enclomiphene can cause vision problems?

    Has anyone had a vision problem with enclomiphene from reliable source as RC? Is it dose dependent?
  5. T

    Enclomiphene (androxal), any experiences?

    Has anyone tried enclomiphene instead of clomid? Is it worth a try?
  6. T

    Enclomiphene from Empower legit?

    Is this quality stuff? Apparently Defy can still order it. Debating Clomid vs Enclomiphene for fertility. Anyone have experience with empowers? Sometimes I wonder if it's just clomid packaged as Enclomiphene. Help appreciated thanks
  7. A

    low LH and FSH after getting off TRT and clomid for 6 weeks. any suggestion?

    1 year on TRT, got off for fertility reasons. ran enclomiphene 25 mg daily for 6 weeks and got bloodwork back. FSH and LH are remarkably low. feeling discouraged. Any advice?
  8. A

    Any Benefit of taking Enclomiphene and Tamoxifen together for HPTA restart? I'm attempting an HPTA restart

    I'm attempting an HPTA restart, in the past when I used to cycle, the norm was to take Nolvadex and Clomid together. I've had pretty good success with that but I haven't done that in years. I'm seeing a lot of people suggest and clomiphene only when they decide to attempt a restart. I'm...
  9. H

    Enclomiphene - eye floaters?

    Been on enclo for about 6 weeks, feeling decent on it, 12.5mg ED. I've always had shocking eye floaters, 100s, some thick filaments which obscure my vision. Kind of got used to them, checked many times by eye doctors, nothing wrong as such. Gradually gotten worse over the years. Last few days...
  10. F

    TRT Dosage while regaining fertility / Fertility Protocol

    Hi All- Long time lurker, first time poster. My wife and I have a healthy 9 year old who was conceived 4 months after a contest cycle (my count was over 200M). I've been on 100-250mgs of test a week, no more competing, but no HCG. Out of the blue, we decided to try for a 2nd kid. I got off...
  11. W

    Enclomiphene disappointment.

    I tried Defy's restart using enclomiphene. 15 days using HCG, followed by 30 days Emclomiphene 25mgED I do not feel great on this protocol. My eyes are super dry and sandy feeling all the time. I'm not sure if this is directly correlated or not but still exists. The results were...
  12. A

    How long should I expect fertility to return after PCT?

    been on TRT for about a year, got off for TRT purposes and now on Enclomiphene 25 mg a day, 5 weeks so far, wondering ig anyone has personal experiences on getting off TRT for fertility, how long did it take for you to succeed and get your partner pregnant?
  13. A

    Need advice 28 years old. On trt for over a year and trying to regain fertility

    Me and my partner are trying to get pregnenant. Im 28 years old on trt for over a year now. (30mg test cyp eod. No hcg no ai) I have hcg and 25mg enclomiphene citrate on hand but im unsure if i should get off trt to try or just take the hcg and try without getting off trt. Has anyone been in...
  14. S

    Enclomiphene source

    Apologies if this is not allowed, but I am from UK and my specialist is happy for me me start Enclomiphene - But we don't know where to find it. Some people in this forum mentioned a pharmacy or 2, but when I type them into Google I cant find it; will someone be able to send me a direct link...
  15. A

    Perfect PCT, no hurry (from Germany)

    Hello together, About me: I am 30y old and used AAS for 6 years (cold on/off, PCT, blast and cruise). I already thought I knew what I am doing, but the more I read the more I unterstand you can never know enough. My first cycle was dumb because of a friend, 8 weeks Epistane, no PCT. I think at...