
  1. DixieWrecked

    Browsing the Defy Medical Store

    So I was surfing the Defy medical store just seeing which products were interesting and what I should ask about during my next consultation. There are a ton of interesting products that I came across from anti-aging skin cream to sexual products to immune boosting IV infsuion saline bags to GH...
  2. A

    California residents: What pharmacy do you get your testosterone from now?

    Empower doesnt ship to california anymore. wat pharmacy are are residents in CA getting it from now?
  3. A

    Empower Pharmacy no longer shipping Testosterone to California

    Got this Email today: Dear Valued Patients, We have been alerted by Empower Pharmacy that as of October 2nd, 2023, they will no longer ship sterile compounded medications such as testosterone into the state of California. This change includes all compounded injectable medications. However...
  4. M

    Empower text cream changed formula??

    Has anyone else noticed the Empower test cream is different? It seems more clumpy? And after I’m done applying it to my balls I have to rub my hands together to get it to flake off. It also seems to have given me a bit of irritation on my scrotum. I’ve never noticed this before, maybe l just got...
  5. S

    As of today I am involuntarily off of TRT - Thanks Empower

    After many attempts and many hours on hold I finally got an operator to answer my call and refill my prescription on April 4th, but she said shipping times are 7 to 10 days. I immediately started taking half doses. Today I eked out my last few milligrams of test prop out of the vial. Its day...
  6. S

    How To Use Defy/Empower Nasal Gel Pen

    I received my first nasal gel pen in the mail from Defy today, but it came with no instructions on how to actually use the pen. The only moving part is the rotating clicker at the bottom. I rotated it fully (several clicks), but nothing came out the dispenser. There is no pump or any other...
  7. R

    Pay empower or doctor to fill the prescription?

    I’m curious. For those that deal with Empower either through a doctor or clinic. Who are you paying directly for your medication when it is time to refill your prescription? I’ve recently switched to a doctor that uses empower, however, all medication that is dispensed through Empower, I’m...
  8. Gianluca

    Considering Westward Test E

    I'm considering Westward Test Enanthate as I want to try Test in sesame oil again, and this seems to be the only option at Empower Pharmacy to do so. I don't like big pharma to begin with, but would like to hear any experiences perhaps with Westward Test E vs compounded, if there are any
  9. G

    Total T increased on nandrolone?

    Just wondering if anyone has added nandrolone to their protocol and seen their total T go up a considerable amount
  10. Fernando Almaguer

    TRT, empower pharmacy

    Hello, So now 4 years into trt and I have gotten a few more ancillaries from empower and would like to hear thoughts. Maybe you decide to try your luck. So far I am taking a lipo C injection from empower, hcg and glutathione. Also nandralone. This along with cold showers, sauna, and weight...
  11. V

    Allergic reaction to Empower’s T cream and other meds

    I’m breaking out with face redness/itch that goes from my eyebrows and down through cheeks, now nearly to my jaw. I was on Empowers T cream and hydrocortisone and was breaking out a few months ago. Took a break from all meds and was doing fine. I started Empowers injectable Taurine and...
  12. A

    Big Pharma vs Compounded T Comparison

    I decided to run a comparison between empowers compounded cypionate vs pfizers cypionate. I ran each for 12 weeks at 70mg e3.5d with no other ancillaries and the same exact supplement regimen. Pfizer: 1268 ng/dl Empower: 979 ng/dl Sensitive estradiol was higher on the Pfizer as well. Pfizer...
  13. D

    Empowers vial tops bend my needles

    Second time ordering hcg and fsh from them. Every time I draw from either one of them, it bends my needle. There’s so much Resistance and then bends my insulin needle sideways. Does anyone else run into this problem? Empower has been great otherwise.
  14. B

    What does this mean for Empower?

  15. M

    Problems with Defy and Hallandale Pharmacy

    I've really enjoyed my interactions with the Defy staff, but I've run into some issues with my prescriptions and appointments. After being on TRT for about 6 weeks, I was experiencing very bad bloating, feeling very tired during the day, major nipple soreness, and other symptoms of high E2. My...