
  1. E

    Switching From Oral Test to Test Cypionate

    Hello, I tried Kyzatrex at 200mg twice a day for a total of 400mg a day but it only got my total Test to 419. According to their titration guide, I would need 2x200mg twice a day for a total of 800mg a day which becomes cost prohibitive for me. So I have decided to try Test Cypionate instead...
  2. D

    Post Injection Anxiety and off Feeling.

    Hi Everyone: Hoping for some feedback here. I am on 150mg per week of testosterone cypionate, broken up into 2x per week injections. Has anyone has an issue with feeling like shit, with anxiety and just a general 'off' feeling, for 24 hours or so after each injection? I can't put my finger on...
  3. C

    Dose increase?

    Has anyone ever noticed their T levels declining after a year on a certain dose, requiring a dose increase? Does gaining weight change dose requirement’s?
  4. P

    What dose DHEA/preg to avoid shutdown/withdrawal, 20 - 50 - 100mg ed

    Guys, i would LOVE to hear your experience on this. I have CFS and destroyed adrenals, they are better now but i just came across this (DHEA/Prog). And alot of people seem to dose it pretty high, and then the ray peat forum guys who microdose it I saw a post on a guy using 50mg dhea and got...
  5. B

    Just starting TRT. Having a rough start with anxiety and insomnia.

    Hello. Thank you for all the work this forum does. I just started TRT for low libido and energy about 1wk ago (protocol below). I will do my best to limit this post to pertinent info and not write an intro novella. ACUTE ISSUES/CONCERNS : The day after my second 70mg Test E, I experienced...
  6. A

    Need Help. Not Sure Where To Go From Here...

    I had been taking 50 mg of test cyp every 3.5 days for a while. (4 months or so) I felt great in terms of energy, sense of well being. But I did have sides : Back acne, erectile dysfunction, and this weird mental fog. I couldn't sit still, or read for the life of me. I just got really irritable...
  7. J

    trouble adjusting dosages

    I have been on TRT for 3 years and the last year has been a struggle with symptoms and managing them through my dosing. I spent the first year on pellets then converted to T Cyp inj of 60mg and HCG 500IU MWF. Also take Armour thyroid 60mg QD. Cruised along well for the second year with no...
  8. C

    How many 1 ml doses out of a 10ml vial?

    I am new to this. My doctor sends me a 10ml vial every 8 weeks. Is 2ml wasted in the process of taking eight 1 ml doses or is it possible to get a full ten 1 ml doses out of it? He prescribed 1ml weekly (8 weeks x 7 days = 56 days). After reading it seems smaller more frequent doses would be...
  9. K

    Anastrazole (Arimadex) Maintenance Dosing

    Hello: Estradiol got a little high to 45 on sensitive assay so started .5mg Anastrazole once/week. After 4 weeks Estradiol down to 21. Wanted to know if I should switch to every other week at .5 mg to stay in the sweet spot of Estradio of 20-30 or keep taking .5mg/wk. Worried current dose of .5...
  10. B

    Test dose timing for ED inject protocols... morning or night?

    I was looking back at some of my history (lab numbers) and something hit me during my research... I had experimented with SQ injections and was looking at one of my lab results which I have posted below... Using 20mg Test Prop (16.5mg pure test minus ester weight) SQ ED injects in morning 8am...
  11. B

    Natural daily male Test production correlating to TRT dosing......

    From my research I have found that the typical healthy young male naturally produces on average 4 to 7 mg of Testosterone per day... so 7 mg per day at 7 days per week = 49 mg of Test per/wk... Why in the hell was I using 200mg of Cyp per week (actually 140mg Test minus the ester) and...
  12. T

    Question about supraphysiological dosages of testosterone

    In a January 2012 article, Dr. Mark Gordon discussed supraphysiological dosing: "Gordon explains that conventional medical dosage for testosterone is at 200-300 milligrams per week, which he has shown is far too high! "For example, a typical 25-35-year-old male naturally generates 4-10...
  13. D

    Questioning both sides of HCG dosing frequency theory

    1: Dr Saya shared the results of his HCG level test study here: It seems that the most prevalent interpretation of this information is that a larger dose is more effective due to 1: the increased level in the blood, 2: the...
  14. J

    HCG 250 or 500

    I've been injecting 250iu eod of HCG with my trt and seems to work fine for me, I see a lot of people do 500 e3d, in the end it's the same amount per week. I would assume that eod would keep a higher level than e3d. Should I switch and why? Thanks.
  15. R

    Novarel branded hCG "strength" has changed - Get your Rx written correctly

    Or, Another Day at the Circus: ------------------------------------------- edit: "Wherever your goal is failure, introduce an excess of complexity to the system" problem: An incorrectly written Rx gives the pharmacist an excuse not to fill it while also confusing the pt. solution: Ask your...