dose frequency

  1. R

    Switched from M/Th split dose (shallow IM) to ED (subQ). Feeling WAY off.... Recommendations? Thoughts?

    Thought I'd try the micro daily dose of TestCyp (~30mg) and HCG (100IU) instead of my usual 200mg split dose and 250IU EOD. Only a few days in, but I feel so off mentally and emotionally (like NOTHING I've ever felt). Trying to decide if my body just doesn't like ED/Subq for some reason and...
  2. N

    Switching from Once Weekly to Twice Weekly

    Wanting to switch from weekly to twice weekly injections. Currently, I inject 100mg Cyp on Thursdays. Wanting to inject on Mondays and Thursdays. Would I start this upcoming Tuesday with my first 50mg injection, or should my first 50mg injection be next Thursday?
  3. W

    Viagra not working? After lowering dose

    From 200mg 500 hcg to 150 500 hcg, my joint is out of commission. I basically skip a day where I would inject 50mg test and just do hcg, making my split 3x instead of 4. Viagra is not working, don’t know why. I feel better in every aspect otherwise. I tried 20 mg of turinabol today and that did...
  4. D

    How to figure out T injection dose?

    These are my latest blood tests after 6 weeks of HCG 3x550IU per week. My testosterone pumped 50%. But free testosterone increased in significantly. Here the testosterone is all in 1ml...
  5. S

    SubQ frequency downsides?

    Theres certainly a wealth of discussion on here about subQ injections, but im having a hard time finding anything on potential cons of increased dosing (i.e. 3x weekly imstead of 2). My limited understanding from reading this forum is that it would just promote better feeling/perception/flow...
  6. C

    I am on week 5-6 anxiety comes and goes

    Yesterday my anxiety was completely gone. I could think with a clear mind and had zero anxiety. Today when I woke up and was also good with zero anxiety. At around 12:30pm my anxiety came back slightly. Nothing like it was before. Before I would get panic attacks now my anxiety is slight...
  7. G

    Libido. ED, EOD or E3D.

    Libido. ED, EOD or E3D.... Hello everybody. I am reading some posts on this forum and I would like to be able to ask all of you about libido, frequency of injections and if you feel good about your protocol. From what I see many people start well in their protocol and over time the libido gets...
  8. A

    Switching to EOD protocol. Have 3 questions...

    switching to an EOD protocol for ore stable levels and less fluctuation. My current regimen is: 50 mg Test Cyp every 3.5 days (100 mg a week total) My most recent bloodwork: Total T: 1316 ng/dl (264-916) Free T: 28.3 ng/dl (9.3-26.5) Estradiol (sensitive): 40.1 pg/ml (8.0-35.0) SHBG: 45.2...
  9. A

    Does Test Cypionate really see a trough after 3.5 days?

    Curious to see if anyone has compared their Test cyp peak and trough bloodwork to see how much their test levels and e2 drop after 3.5 days. The hard life is a little over 8 days so I cant imagine it drops by much. Im considering switching to EOD since so many people claim that they've seen much...
  10. L

    Protocol switch results - 200mg/wk to 20mg/day Test Cyp

    I was hesitant to change anything because I've been doing very well for a long time now on 200mg a week with 400iu of HCG every other day. The one complaint was constantly rising hematocrit. Donating every 2-3 months doesn't bother me but after one bad experience at the red cross I developed a...
  11. S

    200mg to daily injects?

    Hello, Test Cyp Generdorelin 100 units /2 NO AI Been on TRT for a month. First I was doing daily injects of 28mg a day, to make 200mg but for no good reason I decided to do 180mg 3 times a week. Now I feel like shit. I felt way better on 200mg daily dose of 28mg. What do you guys think...
  12. T

    Going to daily subq need help converting dosage

    I’m on 200mg test cyp every other day and just recently got some 28 g 100 u syringes in and want to do daily subq injections. How much daily would I have to inject? I’m not sure what line in the syringe to fill it to. Thanks for the help
  13. W

    Injections every 4th Day

    I remember seeing a thread about someone doing injections every 4 days rather than every 3.5 days and them noticing a positive difference. I’ve tried the search function but can’t locate it (might not of been on this forum). If this sounds familiar to anyone please link it. I’m also...
  14. Z

    EOD question

    Was wondering with EOD injections what your dose per week equals. Say someone was doing 30mg EOD would that equal 120mg a week? And if you go up by 10mg does that just add 30mg per week. So say it was 40mg EOD would that equal 150mg per week? And so on. Because some weeks it’s 3 days a week...
  15. lemonflavor

    Would every day dosing smooth out protocol changes?

    I've been wondering about this, especially when lowering the dose. Do you think it be easier to turn the ship around, so to speak, with every day injections when using a longer ester? I remember someone saying (writing) that a shorter ester could help with protocol changes. Sorry I can't...