
  1. T

    Dying to compete - Wash Post

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/dying-to-compete/ar-AA14ZYBU A little bit for everyone in this article. Well so much for that momentum around getting Test/AAS off the controlled substance list. Be careful with those diuretics, clen, and T3. THE SURVIVORS For years, Maggy Kheir never...
  2. G

    Natural diuretics

    I’m specifically looking into dandelion root atm. Does anyone know if dandelion root supplements are different than dandelion root extract supplements? I’m inbetween these two supplements, one is an extract and one is not. Is there any difference between the two? Thanks...
  3. J

    Dandelion Tea for water retention

    Hi there, Is dandelion tea a good idea to reduce water retention while on TRT? Are there other natural supplements that may be more efficacious? I have read that it can be lower testosterone - not sure if it is true as I couldn’t find a conclusive answer. Any suggestions with regards to a...