dialing in

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  1. S

    Testosterone Propionate - Gauging How Quickly It Is Peaking Based Off EQ

    Hello Gents, I am currently taking 7mg of test propionate daily. 29G insulin needle subcutaneously every morning around 9-10am. This is a fairly recent switch from test cypionate (10mg ed - subcutaneous, switched a little over a month ago), for which I had not found success in terms of quality...
  2. M

    Whats my next move?

    Hey guys! So ive been on 85mg 2x per week for 10 weeks now. Before i was on 80mg 2x per week and had no night or morning wood. Also no libido. I feel pretty good now on the 85mg x2. And occasionally i have some strong night and morning wood. But my libido is still completely dead! I have...
  3. J

    Anastrozole Adjustment

    When adjusting anastrozole dosage, how long does it take for estradiol to reach the new equilibrium? I'm trying to dial in and I want to see how long to wait before drawing new labs.
  4. R

    Dialing in right dosage/regiment on TRT

    Began my journey on TRT 8 weeks ago. PRE TRT --------Total T : 215 --------SHBG: 67 ---------Free T: 2.35 --------BIOAVAILABLE T:69 --------Hemocrit : 45 ---------E2 :14 After 5 weeks of 100mg/ week Test Cypionate, HCG 250iu twice week: Total T:524 SHBG: 47 Free T...
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