
  1. N

    Is DHEA and Pregnenolone needed with TRT?

    Is it needed, or just a waste of time and money?
  2. N

    TRT for 4 months, need advice

    50mg test cyp (1" into delt) and 600iu HCG 2x per week 1/2" sub q). 25mg dhea and 25mg pregnenolone every morning (pill). Total T 731, estradiol 53. This is 3.5 days after last injection. Feeling ok but very little libido and weak erections. Have a couple options. Option 1. Lower HCG to 250iu...
  3. G

    Is TRT an option for me?

    Symptoms are Fatigue, especially in the afternoon 2)lack of motivation 3) Brain Fog 4)low libido 5)not as mentally sharp Been like this since 2015, Dhea-s has always been high, no one has an answer for it. Was originally offered trt in 2016 but denied it cause I was still young and wanted...
  4. G

    High Progesterone, Androstenedione and Dhea/s. Not sure what this could mean 34/M

    Long story short, around 10 years ago I took a supplement called 7-keto dhea which gave me panic attacks, and I have had issues ever since. This was the only test I could find that tested for that hormone metabolite. Although I'm a lot better than I was 10 years ago I'm still suffering from the...
  5. Gianluca

    Scrotal Pregnenolone/DHEA to raise androgen levels

    I'm not sure this has ever discussed here, but I found some very interesting data posted and commented by Georgi Dinkov AKA Haidut on the RayPeat forum, how applying Pregnenolone and DHEA (in DSMO) on the scrotum, can raise serum androgens like T DHT and Androsterone, this because directly...
  6. S

    Low DHEA-S levels causing symptoms?

    Hi forum. I started TRT about 2 1/2 years ago due to low levels, no libido/ed, fatigue, low mood. Initially I was on 150mg a week split twice, which put my levels too high out of reference range at trough. The above symptoms came back about 1 1/2 years ago. I dropped down to 125mg which...
  7. S

    Association between sex hormones and erectile dysfunction in men without hypoandrogenism

    I saw this featured on Dr Thomas O'Connor's IG page the other day, and thought it was interesting - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11167061/
  8. S

    Low DHEA question

    I took trenbolone 20 years ago that left me with permanent damage to my adrenal glands. I don't require medication like hydrocortisone or cortef but it left me feeling weak ever since I was 22 (I'm now 41). It took me 2 decades to discover that DHEA was an important hormone and that the tren...
  9. B

    DHEA + AI instead of TRT / Marcus Gitterle

    Hello Guys. I have my own important reason to not get back on any exogenous T that will shut me down. Due a medicinal genetic condition, i must be able to hop off the extra T anytime, PCR meds are also rulled out. i hate to jump out cold. Did it once and it was not nice, even i got the levels...
  10. Seagal

    DHEA supplementation for hypothyroidism

    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11096-020-01207-w DHEA supplementation may exert a beneficial effect on thyroid autoimmunity and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis activity in men with autoimmune thyroiditis and subclinical hypothyroidism.
  11. Seagal

    DHEA -- Age Trends in the Level of Serum Testosterone and Other Hormones in Middle-Aged Men

    https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/87/2/589/2846777 Dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, cortisol, and estrone showed significant longitudinal declines, whereas dihydrotestosterone, pituitary gonadotropins, and PRL rose longitudinally.
  12. 1

    TRT question for female

    Hi All! I am female 34 yrs old. I got a full lab testing with hormone panel because I am mainly dealing with low libido and pre-menstrual anxiety. Before my cycle I just go thru a dark phase, I feel im in a weird head space and life is so gloomy. Its cyclical happening almost every month. All...
  13. H

    Pregnenolone levels staying low despite supplementation -blood work incuded; Please Help

    Hello everyone- according to recent blood work I have low pregnenolone levels despite taking the expensive brand of PURE Encapsulations off of amazon ($0.30+/per dose). After taking 60mg for about a month I went from undetectable to still low levels of pregnenolone . I also had my DHEA levels...
  14. O

    DHEA + AI only protocol?

    Hello all, DHEA is bottom of range and I would like to bring it up. Problem is, it makes me lose wood at rather low doses from 10mg up. I am not on TRT and having weak adrenals. DHEA above 5mg does only work in combination with HC. My working theory is that DHEA increases estrogens and that's...
  15. P

    DHEA vs. DHEA-S and half time of both

    For me, I feel better when I’m at a great spot for DHEA but I seem to be more sensitive to it than most. Even at 25 mg/day I get too wired to the point that it affects my sleep. But I do enjoy the improved well-being, motivation and energy that goes along with supplementation. But two things...
  16. W

    Not on TRT. Did DHEA and Pregnenolone raise my E2??

    Hello. This is my first post, although I have been a long time lurker. I started taking 50 mg DHEA and 50 mg Pregnenolone daily a few months back to treat low levels of both. My E2 appears to have increased from 25 to 34. My Free E2 is also very high, although this is the first time I have...
  17. L

    DHEA & Pregnenolone Poll

    Just a Poll to see how many members on TRT supplement with DHEA and/or Pregnenolone or not.
  18. A

    DHEA cures my libido but bloats me like crazy

    Basically title. DHEA levels came back low and started supplementing 25 mg nightly ( DEFY empower pharmacy ). Noticed a huge improvement in libido, but currently look like a bloated slob and confidence is shot. Gained 10 lbs in the two weeks since starting trt. 150 mg cyp/ week and .125 adex 2x...
  19. U

    Dialing in my TRT - Recent bloods - DHEA on floor.

    I’m currently in the middle of decreasing my dose due to high e2 issues that I did not want to mitigate by AI use. The following labs were taken while taking 100mg a week split Monday morning and Thursday evening. IM. Labs drawn Thursday morning on day 14 of new 100mg protocol. E2 sensitive -...
  20. W

    High DHEA-S, low T

    I have posted before about how I successfully came off TRT after 6 years. It's been 1 year since then and looks like I haven't recovered to what I thought was my natural total T levels (thought I was ~450ng/dL). Since I have been using Quest instead of Labcorp that may be part of the...
  21. J

    orthostatic hypotension and TRT

    Hello guys… Been on TRT for about six months now an was perfect at the beginning but now I am getting a lot of delayed orthostatic hypotension that only goes away if I stop the T shots… My labs are ok only DHEA was low so I supplemented it but sides are still the same… Has anyone dealt with...
  22. J

    Crashed DHEA... should I supplement?

    Hello guys, I might have overshot my Test levels and crashed my DHEA badly, wondering if lowering my dose a bit and supplementing with micronized DHEA and maybe pregnenolone could help... Getting mainly mental fog, trouble thinking and migranes, they all go away when lowering dose. Here are...
  23. P

    What dose DHEA/preg to avoid shutdown/withdrawal, 20 - 50 - 100mg ed

    Guys, i would LOVE to hear your experience on this. I have CFS and destroyed adrenals, they are better now but i just came across this (DHEA/Prog). And alot of people seem to dose it pretty high, and then the ray peat forum guys who microdose it I saw a post on a guy using 50mg dhea and got...
  24. N

    Low DHEA-S, in-range Testosterone/E2 levels

    Hi all. I had these blood results taken earlier this year. I have a few questions, primarily around my very low DHEA-S levels. For context, I am a 27 year old male. Follow up questions, are my testosterone levels alongside my estradiol readings any cause for concern? For those who cannot see...
  25. A

    Hands Swelling At Night

    For the past week or so I've been experiencing some notable swelling in my fingers when I lay down to sleep at night. It gets bad enough to where I wake up at night because my right hand is totally numb and then I have to awkwardly shift sleeping position. My protocol is currently 20 mg test C...
  26. BradockTRT

    dose of progesterone

    oi gente que está usando creme de progesterona qual a dose que você está usando?
  27. M

    DHEA with TRT?

    43 y.o. who's on week 7 of TRT. My doctor has me on 160 mg of test cyp weekly plus daily dessicated thyroid and DHEA. Any idea why he's got me on DHEA? He's out of the country, or I'd ask him directly.
  28. FunkOdyssey

    TRT doesn't cause deficiency of Preg/DHEA/Prog and HCG doesn't fix it

    That is the bold claim made by this user on Reddit: What do you guys think? Is this why most men on TRT are doing well without supplementing the upstream hormones?
  29. C

    What purpose does DHEA serve in a TRT regimen?

    Does DHEA serve any purpose other than converting into estrogen and testosterone? If I'm on TRT, I don't really need an additional source of either of those. Does it do anything on its own? My doctor prescribed me some because it was low. But why? It did seem to increase my acne but I didn't...
  30. Gianluca

    Webinar - Adrenal Hormone Therapies by Thierry Hertoghe

    in the webinar: Cortisol, DHEA, Pregnenolone and Aldosterone diagnosis and treatment. I thought the explanation on low cortisol symptoms was excellent, simple to understand.
  31. Gianluca

    No evidence for hepatic conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) sulfate to DHEA: in vivo and in vitro studies

    Abstract Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) sulfate (DHEAS) is the most abundant steroid in the human circulation and is thought to be the circulating hydrophilic storage form of DHEA. It is generally accepted that DHEA and DHEAS inter-convert freely and continuously via hydroxysteroid...