delayed orgasm

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  1. T

    So Hard to Finish. Need suggestions

    Ok guys. Some background. Most of my life I was like most men. Trying to think about everything else to delay orgasm. Used to use these delayed orgasm condoms. I used to want so much to last longer. Started TRT about 4 years ago. Initial T levels were 168. The last few years I have been on 200m...
  2. S

    Drugs that MIGHT work for Delayed Ejaculation OR Delayed Orgasm (low penis sensitivity after erection)

    Keep in mind that this review article does not differentiate between Ejaculation and Orgasm. Some of the proposed drugs stimulate Ejaculation, not Orgasm: ephedra extracts/teas, ephedrine, pseudo-ephedrine. They can cause premature ejaculation without pleasure (orgasm) because they contract some...
  3. D

    Link between Polycythemia and delayed orgasm?

    I continue my search for reasons for delayed orgasms since starting TRT about 3 years ago. I also have to use either Levitra or Trimix whenever I have sex. I'm 54 and didn't have these issues before TRT. I'm wondering if any of you high Hematocrit people have noticed a link between that and...
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