
  1. J

    My short-term Dbol-only experiment. Or, “How I learned to stop worrying and love oral anabolics”. Part-1

    Hey guys. I am nearing the completion of a 3 week Dbol as TRT experiment and wanted to post the protocol and results. I will follow up with the next phase with bloodwork later this Spring. About me: 57 y/o life time lifter TRT for the past 5 1/2 years Normal Protocol is 80 mg Test, 120...
  2. B

    How i finally found a way to go subQ and why i wished....

    Hello fellas, i have opened a thread a couple months ago where I wrote how Everytime I try to go subQ TRT after 2-3 weeks it's like i am off TRT... I have tried this 3! Times and always ended up going intra muscular again. I didn't have any problems with IM injections. But I wanted to inject 3...
  3. A

    Dbol not working for crashed e2

    Crashed my e2 and took dbol to bring it up it’s been one week and not feeling better I thought d bol works fast