daily inections

  1. W

    Peak for daily injections?

    I might be having some trouble getting things dialed in on daily injections, and I very much want to find out what my peak is. Does anyone have any idea about how long after injection to get labs done for peak? I think I remember reading somewhere a long time ago that five hours would be peak...
  2. G

    Alternating Dosage Every other day on Daily Dosing

    Hi everyone, Just a theory I've been having. I started doing daily dosing recently and it's probably the best I've felt since staring TRT. I'm a low SHBG by the way (around 20). But my main issue is insomnia and I'm curious if this is caused by having a steady state of high test levels. So...
  3. B

    UPDATE 6 WK ON TRT - Please advise and share wisdom.

    Hi. Still very new to TRT. Would greatly appreciate advice/thoughts/insights from you pros. Started JUNE 18 at 140 a week - 70mg q M/Th. HCG 350 q Tu/Fr. Had issues with over stimulation and random anxiety/insomnia day after injection. Per recs on this forum and talk with my Dr. lowered to...
  4. U

    question on daily injections

    After utilizing a 24 mg EOD protocol, my estrodial is still high. I'm thinking this may be why I am having some ed issues still. Lab results right before next injection: Testosterone total (MS): 587 ng/dl (250-1100) Testosterone free (dialysis): 139.5 pg/ml (35-155) Estrodial ultrasensitive...
  5. Tremonti22

    Daily Sub Q TRT injection ?

    Hey guys please forgive if this has already been addressed. Current protocol is 100mg every week (every 6 days). Hearing good things about sub q injections. Doc is fine with me doing it. She says to inject 0.07ml daily with insulin Syringe. Question is how many mg’s is that? How many would I be...
  6. S

    Does variation in peak/trough equate to libido?

    I have been on TRT for about three years. In January I switched to daily injections in an effort to control hematocrit, acne and sleep issues. I began at 20 mg per day and have slowly decreased my dose down to what is now 14 mg per day under the theory that the lowest possible dose is best. I...
  7. T

    Daily Injections and blood work irregularities

    Hi everyone, first post but have greatly appreciated everyone’s comments on the forum that I have been reading through. I am having some frustration getting my protocol dialed in. Started TRT 1.5 years ago and have been using Testosterone Cypionate and all injections SubQ. Blood work and dosage...
  8. A

    Minimum Dosage or freq for low SHBG

    Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone were able to decrease or stop the aromatization of testosterone without the use of AI. If yes, what would be the minimum dosage we need? Does daily injection reduces aromatization? Its hard to find proper dosage for people with low SHBG and they end up...
  9. Robotics

    Low Libido, Low SHBG Protocol HELP - LABS x3

    Has anyone dealt with something similar? Libido seems to be illusive and hard to find. I am a low SHBG and struggle with libido/erections. daily injector IM (9mg x 7 = 63 mg week) The only time I have felt normal in that sense (libido) is usually when I am coming off TRT (for a week or two). Or...
  10. S

    So I tried daily injections...

    Having tried many different protocols, I felt like I had to give dailies a try. My approach to this is that I plan to do this for life so might as well try it all and see what works best for me. I’ve spent enough time here reading about how dailies do/do not work for people so was prepared to be...
  11. T

    Question about supraphysiological dosages of testosterone

    In a January 2012 article, Dr. Mark Gordon discussed supraphysiological dosing: "Gordon explains that conventional medical dosage for testosterone is at 200-300 milligrams per week, which he has shown is far too high! "For example, a typical 25-35-year-old male naturally generates 4-10...
  12. J

    Question for those injecting daily...

    Question for those using daily injections of testosterone cypionate: I know there’s going to be very little variation in blood levels on a daily injection protocol. I’m curious though about the peak on a daily protocol. Would it be 12 hours post injection? If so, I could possibly see a small...
  13. P

    Labs are Back

    After switching to daily injections about 8 weeks ago, time for some labs....I was on a protocol of E3.5D 50mg each/.125 Anastrozole on shot days, 300iu HCG on T shot days. New protocol 12mg daily T, no AI, 300iu HCG E3.5D. I wanted to try a daily protocol to hopefully drop the AI and spread...
  14. D

    Anastrozole Dosage and Daily SubQ

    I have a question for daily SubQ members using anastrozole and their dosages/timing. I have been doing daily SubQ at test cyp. 20mg for three months total. I started TRT in May 2018 at 200 mg test cyp. IM every 10 days and noticed high e2 symptoms 6 weeks into therapy. I researched options to...
  15. M

    Considering Moving to Daily Injections

    I am considering changing my injection protocol to ED for E3.5D. I would like some advice or opinions. My current protocol is: 180 mg Test Cypionate total weekly, 90 mg E3.5D - Monday AM and Thu PM No HCG No AI I feel really dialed in with one exception, I would like to get my Hb and HCT to...