
  1. cheroxy

    TRT to Supraphysiologic to PCT/TRT and starting over again questions

    I'd like some opinions on my plan to stay on TRT (3 months), do a supraphysiologic cycle (3 months) followed by some PCT at a TRT level (3 months or so until blood results go back to TRT normal) and rotating this over and over. I just turned 48. I started TRT (self managed w/ my medical...
  2. nodoctor


    Gratitude for the many helpful posts on here. What's working for me: Low dose cypionate weekly, 31 gauge pins (seriously) 2x/wk and no off-cycle. I did cycle before but done with kids. Tried HGH briefly and felt sides, plus felt I didn't understand it so no more. peptides have been huge for...
  3. J

    TRT and “blasting”

  4. J

    ADVICE NEEDED! What is this telling me?

    Hi gang. I don't even know where to post this or where to I'll just go for it. On TRT since 2012. That includes hCG and anastrozole. My injections have been a Cypionate/Enthanate/Nandrolone blend 1mL IM per week, spaced out in 3 shots. 50u of hCH twice a week. 0.25mg anastrozole...
  5. G


    Hello all. Im still fairly new. I keep reading cycle. Like some say cylce for 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, etc? Am I supposed to take breaks from trt? I been on it since March, and have not stopped? Im just trying to understand this and hoping Im not making any mistakes.
  6. L

    should stop hcg after stop with test cycle?

    hi doctor nelson and crew i planed doing a cycle of test enanthate of 250 mg 2 times a week along with hcg 500 iu a day and 25 mg of nolvadex for controlling the estrogen from the hcg. The cycle will be during 16 weeks. Now the question part, for the pct i plan using clomid and nolvadex for 6...
  7. J

    31 y/o newbie, Low Free Test, Looking for some advice

    Hi guys So, I’ve read a number a number of posts across multiple TRT forums, and I feel like I’ve learnt a lot, but equally feel like I’ve opened up a huge can of worms! I recently had a blood test to confirm a long-held belief of mine; that I had low testosterone. I’m now at a decision...
  8. F

    PCT advise

    Hello guys, i need some help with my post cycle therapy this is my first cycle im 34 years old male been back to working out before 4 years now 182cm tall 95kg yes i have fat around 20% not sure tho maybe less. since i started test e till now i gained +- 6 kgs .. i started taking Test E alone...