
  1. L

    Test cyp plus HCG - high estradiol

    I am on the old Dr Crisler protocol: I do .25cc of HCG on day 1 and 2, and 0.5cc (100mg) injection of Test cypionate on day 3. It works well for me. The problem is on day 7 my T level is 580 which is OK for me, but my estradiol is 42. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Many thanks for...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Webinar on Clomid, Anastrozole, HCG, DHEA, finasteride syndrome and much more

    Testosterone book authors Dr John Crisler, Nelson Vergel and Jay Campbell discuss their views and asnwer questions on clomid (clomiphene), estradiol management with anastrozole, HCG for fertility and libido, how to treat finasteride syndrome, new injectable DHEA, and subcutaneous injections...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Webinar with 3 Testosterone Book Authors this Wednesday, 8 pm ET

    It is with great excitement we announce The Ultimate TRT Hangout with Nelson Vergel, Dr John Crisler and Jay Campbell. Join the authors of the 3 of the best selling TRT books for a unique discussion on optimizing men's hormonal health. Some of the topics for discussion: -clomid therapy...