cream and injection

  1. R

    Switching TRT administration

    Good morning all. I am 43 years old and have been on TRT for about a year and a half. I started with the 20% compounded cream which was great! At about the 7 month mark my wife started noticing small changes that I exhibited prior to TRT. I went and got lab work done and followed instructions by...
  2. W

    Test results for 8mg daily blend (Enan + Prop)

    Inspired by @Cataceous, I have been tinkering with Enan/Prop blends for the past year. The idea behind the daily blend is to re-introduce daily T fluctuation. Inject first thing in morning to peak early in day and let levels come down overnight. For example, Cat’s personal data based on 4:3...
  3. Z

    Feel worse with higher test levels

    I’m seeing a lot more post with people who have test levels above 1000 who feel crappy. Even with everything else in range e2, DHT, prolactin etc. I’ve also have seen post of people almost using microdose amounts and feeling way better. My question is, is this the new thing? Because my doctor...
  4. O

    My Ongoing TRT Mystery

    Hi Everyone, Looking for some insight into my seemingly complex issues. Been on TRT for 10+ years in all forms, have seen Crisler, Nichols, Defy. Have had windows of feeling great but then issues always creep in. Background: 1. Took Propecia in college, def caused some issues here and...
  5. M

    has anyone used pavillion pharmacy in ATL for a blend?

    I am switching from cream to injections. I have only ever used this doc for cream and for injections he uses pavillion pharmacy in ATL. They use a blend of cyp/prop mixed with mct oil. I have been on cyp for years prior to using cream but never a blend. Anyone have any experience with this?
  6. G

    Combining cream and injection

    I'm seeing lots of guys are really liking doing this. They are typically lowering their injection dosage and doing 50mgs of cream in the morning. Anyone here doing this with good results and will Defy be agreeable to this approach?
  7. B

    25M - Going back on TRT?

    Hey, I'm only 25 but about a year ago I started complaining of fatigue, low motivation, mood, lower sex drive, etc and bloodwork showed low testosterone (~220). I repeated this bloodwork twice (once more showing ~220 and one normal test around 540), and basis my symptoms elected to try trt. In...
  8. S

    Cream vs Injections - Body Composition

    Assuming TT/FT levels are roughly equal in both cases, would there be any difference between cream and injections in terms of body composition/muscle building?
  9. W

    Cream and HCT

    Hello everyone, I have been on TRT for 2 1/2 years and have struggled with elevated hematocrit the entire time. I lowered my dose to as low as 60 mg per week (which basically the absolutely lowest I can go before crashing) gone to more frequent injections which helped some but not enough to...
  10. R

    How to calc Cyp to scrotal cream doses?

    I (54M) am currently taking 130 Test Cyp a week but want to try scrotal cream to see if it is better at improving libido symptoms. Currently 130 TC/wk (split 3x) puts me at about the right overall level (trough TT at 1000, free T at 25, E2 sensitive at 34). But I don't want to switch entirely, I...
  11. A

    Labwork on 50mg e3.5d after 6 weeks

    Hey guys. So i while back i wanted to give shots a try again.. started up on enanthate 50mg e3.5d(100mg total and 5mg cialis daily. These are my labs after 6 weeks to check my numbers. TT: 545ng/dl FT: 13ng/dl E2 non sensitive: 31ng/L Shbg: 26nmol/L Mood is stable but not as it should be...
  12. Galactus

    Cypionate-to-cream ratio?

    Hello! I've been reading and listening to a lot of Jay Campbell and am interested to try the testosterone cream on my scrotum. I'm currently injecting 42-44 mL of test into my upper thigh every 4 days and taking 100 mL of HCG weekly. Would love to know the conversion ratio. Is it 1:1? Matt
  13. E

    Anyone combine injections and cream? How do you feel?

    I’m a long term TRT patient, 39 years old. I’ve been on cypionate and inject a total of 154mg weekly in EOD subQ shots of 44mg each. I have been doing some thinking about the potential benefit of keeping dosing the same but experimenting with using a low cypionate base around 80-100mg weekly...
  14. P

    T Subq vs T cream

    Hey guys I am looking to hear form anyone who has switched from subq shots (either daily or EOD etc) to T cream. I may have the opportunity to try switching in the future. Was it worth it? I know some "TRT celebrities" have touted it as being the best way now:)
  15. Z

    Injection locations

    Hello, so I just went back on injections. It’s been over a year and a half since I was on them and sort of forgot the good spots for injecting. I am doing my upper thigh for sub Q. But I remember hearing the stomach was pretty good for sub Q. What was the benefits of sub q over IM? Also my e2...
  16. Z

    Cream question

    So I posted a couple days ago about cream issues. Basically I use to do injections felt good but switched over to the cream because I heard it was the cats meow. Well early on it was great, my libido was sky high. And well actually that’s about it. Everything else felt normal. Fast foward 1 year...
  17. G

    Adding HRT cream to my protocol

    My provider has added HRT cream to my protocol. Low dose cream (12.5) application daily along with my (bi-weekly) testosterone injections. Anyone else doing this protocol? Did it help with Libido? any side effect? I have been on TRT for about 10 years
  18. T

    Lab Results - Injection Only/No Cream

    All: My current protocol: Testosterone cypionate - 200 mg/ml - 0.10 ml daily HCG - 150 IU daily Testosterone cream 50 mg/ml - 1 click daily Anastrozole – 0.125 mg twice per week About 90 days later, here are my labs: Total Testosterone: >1500 ng/dl Free Testosterone (Direct): >50 pg/ml DHT...
  19. W

    Testosterone Cream + Injections

    I’m going to start experimenting with this to see if it may work. Being on both of these separately I had slight glimpses here and there of feeling good, never nothing worth staying with that specific protocol. Now I’m considering trying to use injections to help offset some of the downsides of...