
  1. andrewBwinter

    Sleep Apnea and HCT/HGB

    My wife complains that when j start anything new, I go 110% in on all aspects Make no mistake, now that I am using CPAP, she may be right. After one week of use, my HGB went down 4 points to 176. More blood panels are coming, but issues with HCT and HGB on TRT, may require a wholistic approach...
  2. andrewBwinter

    3 nights on CPAP

    Friday the 23rd came and thank goodness for that, it was CPAP day! "Hi Andrew, I'm calling from Sleep Management Group and we have a loner unit for you until your permanent unit is available." "Be there in a jiff" And so it went. The anticipation of a good night's sleep and feeling rested when...
  3. S

    CPAP and HIGH hematocrit

    Hi ‍ I am diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and from next Friday I will use it I also found out that my hematocrit is always between 50-52 and hemoglobin 16.4-17.3 after 3 blood test this 3 last months .. my doctor said the high levels can be from the sleep apnea and will get better after CPAP .. how...