
  1. V

    Extremely low FREE T conversion 0.14%. Why is that?

    Hello, Started TRT 2 months ago, 120/week split in 2pins. My blood test came back today. Here is a before and after: Test: 383 -> 735 Ng/Dl Free Test: 7.1 -> 12.8 Pg/Ml Conversion: 0.185% -> 0.136% SHBG: 23 -> 16.9 Nmol/L Albumin: 5.4 -> 4.7 G/Dl Started with extremely low conversion...
  2. D

    Could Reduction of Adipose Fat Tissue Via Male Liposuction of Midsection Reduce Estrogen Conversion?

    Most of my earlier life I was athletically fit with very little body fat. Now in my early 60's after some years of moderate over-eating and a more sedentary lifestyle, I'm finding it nearly impossible to get rid of the midsection fat even after months of cleaning up my diet(working with a...