cold feet

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  1. aneuman

    T.Cyp 100 mg/week - Night sweats, anxiety

    Hello all, I was previously on 90 mg/week, divided in 3 weekly doses of 30 mg, M-W-F, IM on the deltoids. After 6 weeks on this protocol, the labs indicated: Total T: 1044 ng/dL Free T: 19.52 ng/dl Estradiol sensitive: 34 pg/mL SHBG: 36 nmol/L However, I had the following sides effects: -...
  2. T

    Cold feet at night?

    Are any of you guys experiencing cold/burning sensation in feet/soles at night? I seem to randomly experience this. Could be just bad circulation, as I used to get this sometimes before TRT too. Feet do actually feel cold to the touch, so it’s not a neuro type thing. Can it be related to...
  3. DragonBits

    Cold hands, cold feet? Maybe Raynaud's

    Raynaud's (ray-NOHZ) disease causes some areas of your body — such as your fingers and toes — to feel numb and cold in response to cold temperatures or stress. In Raynaud's disease, smaller arteries that supply blood to your skin narrow, limiting blood circulation to affected areas (vasospasm)...
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