cognitive decline

  1. BadassBlues

    The significance of selegiline/(-)-deprenyl after 50 years in research and therapy (1965-2015) The significance of selegiline/(-)-deprenyl after 50 years in research and therapy (1965-2015) I Miklya 1 Affiliations expand PMID: 27480491 DOI: 10.1038/mp.2016.127 Abstract Deprenyl/Selegiline (DEP), created by Joseph Knoll in the 1960s, registered...
  2. Vince

    Cognitive decline during retirement.
  3. Vince

    A meta-analysis found that the average effect of education on cognitive decline is zero.

    Take a look at any list of risk factors for cognitive decline and you're bound to find "education" among them. The received wisdom is that the more years you spend in education, the lower your risk of cognitive decline in old age. Our latest research begs to differ. Cognitive decline is not...