clomid lh estradiol defy hypogonadism

  1. L

    Clomid and Sex Drive / Libido

    Hi All, I've been on clomid for a few months and have been noticing some changes in my sex drive and libido. I got on clomid purely to boost my testosterone for mild anabologic effects. My T was already pretty strong at 750 ng/dl. Dr. Saya put me on clomid, 12.5mg per day, and my levels...
  2. A

    Early Clomid Results - Thoughts?

    So my son (19 yrs) is working with Dr Saya and Defy. He's on 12.5mg clomid & 0.3 anastrozole EOD. Our local endocrinologist ordered blood work after three weeks of treatment to keep close tabs. These are the changes after three weeks: testosterone: 144 before 666 after (range 348-1197) LH...