cialis 2.5

  1. S

    Cialis and Alcohol

    I tried Cialis four or five years ago, and I noticed it was making my heart race a little. I recently gave it another try 2.5 mg every day and I’m no longer feeling that side effect. I think part of the reason is because lately my blood pressure has been a little bit on the high side so I think...
  2. R

    All day chemist cialis?

    Do they actually call your doctors. or do they “have to ask for it” but don’t care?
  3. S

    Anyone Get Lightheaded on Cialis?

    I take a very low dose of Cialis, 2.5mg 4 days a week. I have been working on loosing weight and I recently dropped 10 pounds. Since loosing the 10 pounds my blood pressure has also came down. I used to run about 130 over 85-90. Now that I reduced carbs and salt and dropped 10 pounds my pressure...