cholesterol heart disease ldl

  1. M

    Anyone taking PCSK9 inhibitors (i.e. Repatha)?

    I have a scrip for Repatha but haven't yet started. Covered by insurance so cost not an issue. Was concerned that LDL would go too low and cause issues. Also, side effects. Read that it can cause hyperglycemia (diabetes). Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Vince

    LDL cholesterol
  3. B

    Anyone taking Statins ( Crestor )

    Any of you guys have LDL issues and need to take a statin such as crestor? Any side effects? How long have you been on?
  4. Vince

    LDL particle size isn't that helpful in predicting CHD (coronary heart disease).

    The major lipoprotein types, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), are composed of many subgroups (1–3). Classifications are based on size (1), density, or apolipoprotein (apo) content (2), or a combination of these (3), and the...
  5. J

    Dr. David Diamond: Exposing the cholesterol myth

    Maybe the best 45 minutes I've spent on the computer.