
  1. Seagal

    Cannabis and DHT
  2. Peter_Grinspoon

    Are cannabis and cannabinoids safe?

    The uncontrollable use of cannabis with a high concentration of THC can cause problems and even endanger lives. For example, driving under the influence of any drug is extremely dangerous. The statistics of the ambulatory medical programs showed that, compared to adults, adolescents are 4 to 7...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Medical Marijuana Discussion By Will Brink

    Medical Marijuana Discussion By Will Brink There's little doubt at this point there are legit medical uses for various compounds found in Cannabis - some of which are only now being examined in depth via ongoing research. Current legal control status in the US and stigma have prevented most...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Daily Dose Of Cannabis May Protect And Heal The Brain From Effects Of Aging

    Researchers at the University of Bonn and Hebrew University have discovered that low, regular doses of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one of the main active ingredients or cannabinoids found in marijuana, may help to keep our brains from ‘slowing down’ as we get older. Published today in the...
  5. Will Brink

    Medical Marijuana Discussion

    No matter where you stand on this issue, a topic worth exploration without pre existing bias. I have no doubts there are legit medical uses for various compounds found in Marijuana - some of which are only now being examined in any depth - and it needs to be funded and studies by the NIH and...