
  1. M

    First TRT bloodwork back... concerning BUN/creatinine ratio??

    Hi all, 43 y.o. male here. Just took my 7th injection of test cyp last Friday. (I take 160 mg a week) plus the doctor has me on dessicated thyroid and DHEA to boost a "sluggish thyroid" as he called it. I just got back my first bloodwork and I was very surprised by some of the numbers. My...
  2. B

    TUDCA works to lower iron/liver/kidney enzymes and boost T3

    I decided to do an experiment with TUDCA. I took 250mg with 1 liter of water in the morning on an empty stomach and waited 20 to 30 mins before I ate. Here are my results. 12.11.2019 Labcorp (no TUDCA) Iron Bind. Cap (TIBC): 246 ug/dl (250-450) UIBC: 141 ug/dl (111-343) Iron: 105 ug/dl...
  3. B

    Thyroid,Bun,ast/alt feedback

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if I could get some feedback on my thyroid, bun(1st time my bun has been this high, it usually sits at 21), ast, and alt results. Feel free to ask about any other doubts you may have. A quick summary of what I have been doing. I did a 26 week cut and I know when...
  4. J

    New member - pre trt labs and 4 month trt labs - bun/creatinine concerns

    Hey Guys, First post here, but I have been lurking for months now. I started TRT end of March and feel great. I have some concerns about my recent blood test and I was wondering if anyone could answer some questions. I am concerned about BUN on last blood test and low BUN/Creatinine ratio. I...