
  1. Jaydubbs

    Penile bruising with TRIMIX

    Injected Trimix today and got some nasty bruising for the first time. No pain, just a fairly large dark purple bruise. I have been taking extra L-citrulline. Maybe I hit the wrong spot, I did notice that the erection was not quite up to standard. I'm concerned about how long it will take for...
  2. G

    Injection Mistake - Infection?

    On Tuesday, when doing a quad shallow IM (1/2 inch insulin pin) 4mg shot, I blasted through a vein which resulted in quite a bit of blood running out after I withdrew the needle. For the record, swabbed top of vial appropriately before draw, used z-track method, but, there's a tiny chance when...
  3. P

    Bruising problems with Trimix

    Can someone please advise how to reduce/minimize bruising fom Trimix injections? I try to avoid any visible blood vessels; always follow the "between 9 and 11 o'clock and the 1 and 3 o'clock" injection site locations; then apply pressure 2-5 minutes @site directly afterwards; but end up with...
  4. njpbronk

    More Disappointments With Trimix

    But I’m not giving up yet. 1. I’m up to a .270 ml injection and I’m only about 50% erect. 2. It doesn’t seem to be working as well as it did the first few times 3. I’ve gotten a bruise 3 times. 4. A lump 1 time 5. Didn’t work 3 times 6. Resistance when injecting 1 time