On a serious recomp this time.
Current DEXA data:
Age: 64
Ht: 67"
Total wt: 188.6lbs
Lean: 133.9lbs
DEXA Total BF %: 26%
DEXA - VISCERAL ADIPOSE TISSUE (VAT): 4.13lbs (optimal is <1.00lb)
The majority of my genetic fat distribution is ANDROID...
I know scales are not perfect, but here is the read out from mine. Am I 12.2% body fat? Or should I be using subcutaneous which puts me at 10.6%? Maybe the picture helps.
Any help much appreciated.
Original thread here.
Updated observations:
• Only positive out of all the slow gain in weight/bf is in strength increase of between 20-25%
• Workouts just keep me toned at this point, slow to recomp (add or retain LBM/losing fat)
• Calorie restriction/deficit does work – am losing...