
  1. M

    2month bloods very high

    Hi all. Has anyway one had a simailar experience? I started TRT 2 months ago with a clinic in the UK. I started in test cyp 84mg per week injected daily. I am also on HCG 250iu 3 times a week. After 1 month my level were elevated so was reduced down to 70mg per week. My results are all still...
  2. D

    3 Months in

    Hi, first time poster be gentle I am nearly 3 months into a protocol of 0.17ml of sub injected Cypionate and 0.1ml of HCG 3 times a week. It all began with doing a numan online blood test and having a few red markers (see first bloods 2022 attached) After this I changed my supplement regime...
  3. K

    Effect on Bloods when Quitting Nicotine on TRT

    Hey Excelmale, I'm curious if anyone has successfully quit nicotine while dialed in on TRT and has before and after bloods to show any changes in serum levels? Nicotine supposedly acts as a mild anti aromatase inhibitor and is said to also INCREASE SHBG which is not in my favor considering I...