blood pressure medications

  1. V

    can high blood pressure meds help Erectile dysfuction ?

    Male 31, very fit and active, good diet, i dont smoke, no drugs, no diabetes, no cholesterol, all blood tests are fine, no known sickness, no pelvic floor problem, and my test is at good levels right now. Every time i saw my doctor over the last years he took my blood pressure and told me yes...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Rilmenidine, a blood pressure medication, and Longevity

    Rilmenidine is a drug that is commonly prescribed to treat hypertension[2]. Recent studies have shown that rilmenidine can extend lifespan and healthspan in Caenorhabditis elegans, a type of roundworm, via a nischarin I1-imidazoline receptor[1][3][5]. The stress-resilience, health span, and...
  3. I

    Possible to be healthy @ 250mg/week? What blood markers do you want to see?

    This is an open challenge to explore the possibility of walking the enhanced boundaries, while keeping absolutely all possible negative TOT side effects in check, especially anything related to health. The main question I am trying to answer via blood work, BP measurements, WIP lifestyle...
  4. J

    Resistant Hypertension....Any Ideas?

    Seeking input from this great site of knowledge and experience- I am 52 yrs old, 6'1" and 220 lbs. Lift seriously in gym 3x week and in overall good health/ shape. I have been on TRT for 10 yrs with no complaints and manage well ("dialed in" I guess one could say) for me. I have suffered with...
  5. T

    Elevated systolic blood pressure, even on BP meds. Any ideas?

    Curious to see if anyone has experienced what i am now and successfully resolved it. About me: 33m 6ft 1 190lbs Very active, (train BJJ and lift 3-4 times a week) Healthy diet, social drinker Test cyp 120mg a week (split into 3 doses t/thur/sat) HCG 1000iu a week, (also split into 3 doses)...
  6. B

    BP has u-shape curve to ED

    Abstract Background Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most common male sexual disorder that affects all age groups and has a close association with essential hypertension. Aim To characterize the relation of blood pressure and ED in detail. Methods A cross-sectional population-based study of 45-...
  7. S

    Anyone taking Lisinopril for high blood pressure?

    I’ve tried to no avail to get my BP under control over the last year. It averages 150/95. My doctor wanted me to start 10mg Lisinopril on Thursday of this week. After the first dose it lowered my blood pressure substantially. The thing is I’ve not felt well since starting it. I feel sort of...
  8. H

    TRT increasing blood pressure?

    I've been on TRT through Defy for about two years, with great results. This is my protocol: Test Cyp 200 mg/ml – 0.45 ml IM/SQ 2 times weekly HCG 400 iu SQ 2 times weekly Anastrozole 0.5 mg 2 times weekly I am 41 y/o, 5'7", 190 pounds; work out, CrossFit-style, four to five times/week, with a...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    Norvasc, a common blood pressure medication, blocks COVID-19

    I am taking this drug. Cholesterol and the virus The research team also identified drugs that are currently on the market for different diseases that they claim block the entry of Covid-19 into human cells by increasing cellular cholesterol. In particular, they found three drugs currently on...