blood clots

  1. K

    Has anyone had blood clots from TRT?

    If so how bad and is it common? Thank you.
  2. I

    HCG and blood clots

    Hi there! I've read that HCG could increase the risk for forming of blood clots. Now, is anybody here know how real is this risk? Does anybody had any blood clot while using HCG? Thank you!
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Study Finds No Increased Blood Clots in Men on Testosterone

    The association between testosterone therapy and thrombotic risk in elderly men remains controversial. During a presentation at the 2015 AUA Annual meeting in New Orleans, Ranjith Ramasamy, MD, from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, shed light on this hot topic. Learn more on the studies and...
  4. R

    Latest Anti-TRT hype before study results are even released

    Touted as the "latest in the medical saga that started 15 years ago when testosterone which for decades had been used mainly in rare clinical circumstances, increasingly is prescribed for middle-aged and older men whose testosterone levels decline" MedPageToday "reports"...
  5. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone and Blood Clots: Study Finds No Link

    A new study from The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston of more than 30,000 commercially insured men is the first large comparative analysis to show that there is no link between testosterone therapy and blood clots in veins. The study found that middle-aged and older men who...
  6. Nelson Vergel

    Can Testosterone Induce Blood Clots and Thrombosis? Interview with Dr Charles Glueck

    In my work collecting information for, I review abstracts daily on latest studies related to testosterone, men's health, nutrition, and more. I am always looking for studies that stand out and are no just repetitions of what we have seen before. Contrarian data to what I assume we...