ball shrink

  1. W

    Shrinking balls

    So had anyone talked about shrinking balls and solutions? I’ve been on TRT almost a year, and balls have definitely shrunk. Im considering if a ball stretcher or weights will help?
  2. M

    Will testicles return to original size on HCG?

    Been on TRT for 4 years. My dosing schedule and bloods are all dialed and have been for 6+ months. I’m only taking Test Cyp, no other meds for TRT. My testicles have shrunk by more than half and are slightly less than the size of a grape. Will starting HCG thru Defy or another men’s clinic...
  3. Z

    Letting e2 run wild

    My old dr was a dr who was all about not treating E2. He said let it go as high as you want and it won’t be a problem. Well I am seeing a new dr now and my e2 sensitive was 45. My libido has been super low, my anxiety kind of high, also my junk shrivels up to nothing along with my scrotum...
  4. N

    Can anyone help me get a plan together?

    My testosterone level is 390 , I want to go on Hcg and tesoterone to prevent ball shrinkage. Since Hcg helps you produce how do I do a helathy balance to get me at a steady 800 - 1000 testosterone level. With my body still producing? Is there a way to do this balance? Nicolas Male 23 years old...