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  1. J

    Azoospermia: No Sperm on Testosterone Pellets

    I was azoospermic after a year on pellets, no HCG. I have a better physician now and doing great on IM Test Cyp and HCG. Testicle size full recovered. Anyone know if I must stop TRT completely to restart spermatogenesis or can HCG be enough while continuing TRT? The idea of stopping is dreadful.
  2. L

    Need opinion on fertility uro visit yesterday.

    Background: Husband was DXed with low-T in January. Total T was sitting at 160; free T 12. He'd been suffering from a complete lack of libido and ED for about 18-20 months. His LH and FSH were both WNL sitting in the mid-range (6.3 and 6). We had a baby naturally 2.5 years ago. We are trying to...
  3. L

    TRT, Clomid, HCG, Anastrazole = zero sperm count?

    I hope I'm posting this in the correct place, as I'm a new member and not a typical use as my husband is not into lifting. Still hoping i can find some help here because we've had a rough few months in regards to TRT and fertility. We are desperate for answers as my husband badly wants another...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Causes of male infertility: a 9-year prospective study on 1737 patients with reduced sperm counts

    "The primary cause of infertility was defined for 695 of 1737 patients (~40%). The analyzed causal factors could be divided into absolute (secondary hypogonadism, genetic causes, seminal tract obstruction), severe (oncological diseases, severe sexual dysfunction) and plausible causal factors...
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