
  1. B

    Evening dosing of blood pressure medication not better than morning dosing.

    Evening dosing of blood pressure medication not better than morning dosing Barcelona, Spain – 26 Aug 2022: A pragmatic randomised trial in more than 21,000...
  2. B

    Chronic high-dose angiotensin receptor blocker use associated with cancer risk (2022) “It already changed my practice,” Sipahi told Healio. “I rarely prescribe an ARB for hypertension now. However, I continue to prescribe the sacubitril/valsartan...
  3. G

    Telmisartan experiences/ info

    Been looking into Telmisartan recently. Anyone ever use it and have any anecdotes/ info on it? TIA
  4. W

    Nandrolone and HRT Article

    Yeah I know it is in a meathead magazine but it was put together by some educated meatheads and really gets at what we've been trying to figure out relative to nandrolone and HRT. It also contains that 4 letter word we don't use on this site either. The use of ARBs or ACEi is one worth noting...
  5. C

    Telmisartan for high bp causes fatigue

    Hello guys, i started telmisartan 40mg day for high blood pressure couple weeks ago. But it makes me very tired, and my erections are little bit down. (Also my blood pressure is down only couple points so it is not too low blood pressure what causes these side effects for me, its the medication...
  6. M

    ACE and ARB blood pressure meds (i.e losartan) and coronavirus concern

    For anyone taking an ARB like Losartan or an ACE (i.e. Lisinopril), there are a bevy of conflicting reports as to whether these meds are protective or facilitate coronavirus infection. PROS: Angiotensin receptor blockers as tentative SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics. - PubMed - NCBI Use of angiotensin...