application time

  1. W

    T Levels Tanked on TRT?

    Who is the endocrine expert here? What is the clinical rationale as to why and how my T levels would drop within 1 month on 200mg transcrotal cream, YET DHT nearly tripled, LH went to 0 (as I’d expect), and HCt went up from 46 to 50? Clearly the T cream was “working”, but T went from 502 to...
  2. keithc2485

    can i apply my androgel 1% in the PM some days?

    hello. with summer coming it may be hard some days to apply and shower in enough time for a day at a pool or beach... would it mess my cycle up if say 2 or 3 days out of the week I applied it say 5 or 6pm? but the rest of the days in the AM ?? any feedback would be great. thank u...
  3. D

    First blood test due tomorrow,testogel application time ?

    Hello all, I would have introduced myself(and will) but i have my first blood test tomorrow at 7pm after 14 days on testogel.I`m wondering if i should apply gel tomorrow morning as per normal or leave it out until post blood test,which would well in excess of 24 hrs since last application ...