anti aging

  1. S

    Study show’s REVERSED aging!

    a VERY interesting synopsis of a study that was conducted on men 50-60 yrs old that were put on a cocktail of HGH/DHEA/zinc/Vit-D/metformin. This dude has a really great channel, definitely worth watching.
  2. D


    Anybody have any thoughts about this?
  3. O

    Does TRT prevent age-related illness?

    I would like to ask the older members (at least 60 year-old) who are long-term (at least 2 years) on TRT: Besides the TRT medications, do you have to take any other medications to treat age-related diseases such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, autoimmune diseases? I...
  4. C

    Any reason to use hgh as a under 30

    Hello Is there any reason to use growth hormone as under 30 years old? I would like to see what effect it have on my skin , sleep and wellness. Mainly my skin. I ve used pramipexole in a past for high prolactin and thats is known to increase hgh levels temporaly, i got awesome skin results from...
  5. Will Brink

    Got Zombie cells?

    Q is rhetorical as the answer is yes, and it's a key to aging we can address now! The Age Reversal Network is the place to get info on the cutting edge anti aging/longevity science and treatment: "As cells reach the end of their life cycle or become severely damaged, most self-destruct via a...
  6. Fernando Almaguer

    Testosterone good when young and bad when you get older

    I was listening to Joe Rogan's podcast with anti aging Dr. from Havard, Dr. David Sinclair. Great podcast I highly recommend a listen. Now, he states that having a lot of something when your young does in turn benefit you like sunlight but can turn on you when you get older if you sustain the...