animal studies

  1. J

    New Myostatin Inhibitor

    There was recently an article in the news about mice who were flown on the International Space Station who resisted the normal loss of muscle mass associated with weightlessness as a result of receiving a drug containing a new myostatin inhibitor. The mice not only resisted muscle loss, they...
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    Aspartame Damages Testicular Function

    This is an animal study, but still very concerning. Another reason to avoid eating processed foods. Unfortunately, I only have access to the abstract, which leaves out some information I like to know. "In this experimental study, a total of 36 adult male mice were randomly divided into four...
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    Loss of Testosterone Increases Melanoma Risk

    This study of castrated mice shows that loss of testosterone decreases neutrophil activity and increases risk of melanoma. Injecting the mice with testosterone pellets removed the risk. The full text of the article is available online. "Here, we show that in castrated male mice, neutrophil...
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    Testosterone Production by Stimulating Leydig Cells

    The biochemistry is over my head, but this rat study showed that testosterone production can be increased by stimulating the production of a "cholesterol-binding translocator protein (TSPO)." The compound used was FGIN-1-27. The abstract says: "Both exogenous T and FGIN-1-27 increased serum T...
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    Testosterone Protects Against Mental Impairment

    Alzheimers was induced in rats by injecting beta amyloid. Testosterone injections protected against mental impairment. The abstract says: Cognitive dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease is strongly associated with a reduction in synaptic plasticity, which may be induced by oxidative stress...
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    Treatment of Micropenis with Combined GH and Testosterone

    The experiment induced micropenis in rats and then treated the rats with a combination of growth hormone (GH) and testosterone. The researchers noted that treatment of micropenis with testosterone alone leaves the penis at less than normal size, but combining treatment with GH more successful...