This might seem stupid, but here me out….
Long story short: I have treatment/lifestyle/therapy resistant depression, mental fatigue, anxiety. You name it, I’ve tried it. Believe me. Both medical and underground. Doctors are at a loss. But one day I decided to try testosterone and….. bam. Total...
I was recommended Ipamorelin by a functional doc for improving motility/gastric emptying for SIBO. Note I already take Motility Activator (which has ginger+artichoke extracts), drink chamomile tea, but its not enough. I also noticed that when I feel hungry I feel better mentally-more hedonic...
Thought I would start a discussion about this awesome lesser known peptide, yet one of the peptides with quite a few actual human studies behind it.
So I'll start with my experience before getting to the science:
I have done a few cycles (they last 5-7 days of 8-10 mg) of it this year and...
So my doctor gave me tamoxifen for low t and I only took 5 pills (20mg) eod. Didn’t help with the symptoms only gave me severe loss of libido, ed and anhedonia. Then we changed to sustanon 250mg every 10 days. My doctor said symptoms of tamoxifen will go away in “couple of weeks” And I...
What treatments are good for anhedonia and blunting?
I've been on TRT for many years, since around 2016-2017 to now. I got on it for anxiety and low mood issues and it did eventually help and I completely recovered. I did not have anhedonia then. I also take HCG and Preg occasionally. And my...