anastrolze dim

  1. M

    Could DIM have knocked my e2 too low?

    Current Protocol: 110Mg pw Test Cyp Injecting E2D I've always only needed a very small amount of anastrozole. Having seen Dr Crisler and others talk about using DIM (Diindolylmethane) for years, I decided I would give this a try instead of the anastrozole. I've been taking 200mg of DIM (100mg...
  2. Z

    DIM question

    So I am starting to think I am little sensitive to the AIs. My dose of trt is 50mg every 3.5 days. I use to be at 70 every 3 days but I felt it was pushing my e2 to high and even when I was taking the AI then I felt like it dropped me badly. My labs showed it as well. And now with my dose even...