anabolic steroids

  1. Deleted member 43589

    Enhanced Olympic Games?

    Olympics Without the Drug Tests: Enhanced Games Founder Lauds Steroid-Approved Event as ‘the Future of Sports’
  2. E

    ASIH & Regaining Fertility

    Hello all! Long time competitor in BB and currently trying to conceive. I’m doing self-administered therapy, post self administered years of ped use leading to what I believe is secondary hypogonadism (was fertile before use). This therapy consists of: 1500iu HCG MWF 50iu HMG TTHSa 50iu rFSH...
  3. T

    Great articles and discussion on terminology ("anabolic steroids" don't really exist) No such thing as anabolic steroids or AAS. Technically correct term is...
  4. T

    Dying to compete - Wash Post A little bit for everyone in this article. Well so much for that momentum around getting Test/AAS off the controlled substance list. Be careful with those diuretics, clen, and T3. THE SURVIVORS For years, Maggy Kheir never...
  5. H

    HIV+ into bodybuilding and trying to put on muscle mass.

    Hi community. Im glad that i found this forum and this is my first post here. Hope u guys can give me some advices. Im 36yrs old (Height=5'6.9 , Weight=176.37lbs).), HIV+ for 8 years now, doing well with the medication and undetectable since then. Im very much interested into bodybuilding, but...
  6. madman

    Anabolic Steroids: A Medical Perspective

    Dr. Shalender Bhasin – Anabolic Steroids: A Medical Perspective 10:25-17:18 SIDE EFFECTS: LONG-TERM HIGH DOSE AAS 17:20-23:24 TRT (blood testing using reliable and accurate assays/signs and symptoms) 24:10-29:43 BODY IMAGE *19:18-20:03 This is critical *20:04-21:35 Most of us...
  7. Nelson Vergel

    Clinical Uses of FDA-Approved Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) Here are the FDA-approved label indications for the anabolic steroids nandrolone, oxandrolone, stanozolol, and oxymetholone: Nandrolone FDA-Approved Indications: Management of anemia of...
  8. J

    Potential of Testosterone Supplementation for Special Forces

    It looks like the US Military is still considering giving testosterone shots to Special Operations Forces. I have mixed feeling about this. The article is in the Journal of Special Operations Medicine, the abstract is from PubMed. The conclusion states: "Special Operations Forces training...
  9. M

    Hypoadrenalism, Insulin resistance and Muscle wasting

    I'm looking for information on treating hypoadrenalism, insulin resistance and muscle wasting concurrently. From one study it shows that the combination treatment of hydrocortisone and norandronolone-19-phenylpropionate, anti-catabolic effects were almost abolished (1). Moreover, I read in a...
  10. G

    Nocturnal Penile Tumescence on Cycle?

    Hi all. I am a 47 year old male with 20 years of anabolic steroid use/abuse in my history. During the years i have noticed that Estrogen/Estrogen management will affect my erections, but i am not sure on what the problem is, since hormonal bloodwork is not covered in Denmark where medical is...
  11. M

    New Muscle wasting interventions

    Hey guys, I would like to bring up this topic to talk about new, safe interventions for muscle wasting disorders. I'm torn on the research of Nandrolone. I love it's beneficial effects on nitrogen retention, red blood cell production, bone density and a possible addition to TRT for controlling...
  12. M

    Nandrolone and anabolic steroids effect on thyroid

    Hey guys, I’m read many studies that show anabolic steroids such as Nandrolone cause hypothyroidism. In the case of muscle wasting, would thyroid hormone be used with anabolic steroid therapy? Any information on this subject would be much appreciated! [Abuse of anabolic steroids and its...
  13. Nelson Vergel

    Anabolic Steroids and Male Infertility

    TY - JOUR AU - Fronczak, Carolyn M. AU - Kim, Edward D. AU - Barqawi, Al B. TI - The Insults of Illicit Drug Use on Male Fertility JO - Journal of Andrology VL - 33 Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids— AAS are cholesterol derivatives of testosterone with effects that are both anabolic and androgenic...
  14. Nelson Vergel

    Effect of Anabolic Steroids on Blood Tests of Long Term Users

    Reversibility of the effects on blood cells, lipids, liver function and hormones in former anabolic–androgenic steroid abusers Abstract Background: In contrast to the acute effects of anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) abuse, the long-term risk profile of former long-term abusers (ExA) is less...
  15. Nelson Vergel

    Recovery of sperm production following testosterone replacement or anabolic steroids

    The use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for hypogonadism continues to rise, particularly in younger men who may wish to remain fertile. Concurrently, awareness of a more pervasive use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) within the general population has been appreciated. Both TRT and...
  16. J

    22 Year old. User of anabolic steroids. Suffering

    Hi people, I am a 22 year old male who was stupid enough to use anabolic steroids when I was 18/19. I am now suffering with reduced testicle size, Erectile dysfunction, reduced sperm count, reduced sex drive and reduced rate of pubic hair growth. My testosterone levels after coming off of the...
  17. Nelson Vergel

    Anabolic steroids and TRT decrease SHBG, DHEA, pregnenolone and progesterone in men.

    Effects of Anabolic Steroids and Testosterone on Hormonal Function in Power Athletes A study published in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry (1985) investigated the effects of self-administered high doses of testosterone and anabolic steroids on testicular endocrine function and circulating...
  18. Nelson Vergel

    Interview with Nelson Vergel about his experience with testosterone Nelson Vergel has been HIV Positive for 32 years and he credits anabolic steroids and testosterone for saving his life. Author of the book “Testosterone,” Nelson joins The Physique Formula Podcast to deep dive into...
  19. Nelson Vergel

    Clomid to Reset Hormonal Axis After Anabolic Steroids

    Use of clomiphene citrate to reverse premature andropause secondary to steroid abuse Robert S. Tan, M.D., and Deepa Vasudevan, M.D. Programs in Geriatrics and Andrology, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston, Texas Objective: To...
  20. Nelson Vergel

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 4 (Final)

    By Dr Mauro Di Pasquale For Part 1 For Part 2 For Part 3 While there are several measures that can be taken to minimize the effects of anabolic steroids on the HPTA, perhaps the most important precaution is that the athlete take sufficient time off anabolic steroids so that the bodies...
  21. Nelson Vergel

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 3

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 3 By Dr Mauro Di Pasquale For Part 1 For Part 2 There are also several other hormones and compounds, such as inhibin and the endogenous opioids, involved in the regulation of testosterone secretion. For example inhibin, a hormone produced by certain...
  22. Nelson Vergel

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 2

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 2 By Mauro DiPasquale, M.D. Dealing With Side Effects While there are many possible short term and long term consequences of anabolic steroid use, most of these side effects can be minimized by the judicious use of, or if necessary the discontinuation of...
  23. Nelson Vergel

    How to Manage Anabolic Steroid Side Effects

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 1 By Mauro DiPasquale, M.D. As used by most athletes, the side effects of anabolic steroid use appear to be minimal. Even in those using large doses for prolonged periods of time, clinical evidence shows that any of the short term side effects are mostly...
  24. Nelson Vergel

    Weekly administration of anabolic steroids improved symptoms of COPD

    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by irreversible airflow limitation and is associated with weight loss and decreased muscle strength and exercise capacity. Methods: A double-blinded randomized controlled trial of 32 male COPD patients (age, 54.94 ±...
  25. Nelson Vergel

    Use of Testosterone and Anabolic Steroids in Patients Who Have HIV

    Introductory Article: Anabolic Steroids: A Practical Guide Use of Androgens in Patients Who Have HIV/AIDS: What We Know About the Effect of Androgens on Wasting and Lipodystrophy Permission by author: Donald Abrams, MD AIDS Read. 2001 Mar;11(3):149-56. Abstract Decreases in energy, sense...
  26. Nelson Vergel

    Anabolic/Androgenic Hormone Prescribing Indications

    Nandrolone Decanoate Presentation: Injectable (IM-Depot) 100mg/mL; 200mg/mL X 10mL Common dose range: 25mg qw- 400mg qw (or q month) Active-life: 7-10 days post injection Treatment and Indication: Nandrolone was FDA approved in 1983 for treatment of Osteoporosis; anemia; and to treat some...
  27. Nelson Vergel

    HPTA Restart in Young Men After Anabolic Steroids

    Anabolic steroids and testosterone shut down the body's Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) while people use them and for a few weeks after cessation of these compounds. However, some men's testosterone production does not recover back to baseline values. These men have testosterone...
  28. Nelson Vergel

    Low Testosterone Caused by Anabolic Steroids

    More and more young men (under 35 years of age) are seeking help after they become hypogonadal after anabolic steroid use. In many, normal testosterone production starts weeks after stopping anabolic steroid use. But in some of these men it seems that normal testosterone production does not...
  29. Nelson Vergel

    FREE Nelson's First Book: Built to Survive- Medical Use of Anabolic Steroids

    With over 330 scientific references, this book provides a comprehensive guide to the medical use of anabolic steroids, growth hormone, supplementation, optimal nutrition, and exercise to prevent and treat the loss of lean body mass and body alterations experienced by people with HIV. Most of the...
  30. Nelson Vergel

    Medical Use of Anabolic Steroids: Free Book

    With over 330 scientific references, this book provides a comprehensive guide to the medical use of anabolic steroids, growth hormone, supplementation, optimal nutrition, and exercise to prevent and treat the loss of lean body mass and body alterations experienced by people with HIV. Most of the...