
  1. M

    Weird reaction on TRT

    I’ve been on TRT 150 mg for about 7 months now. Once I got on it my neck turned red(like a sunburn) along with my chest and under eyes. I also developed eye bags that at one point got super swollen. I’ve had my hormones tested multiple times. (My estrogen was the only thing high, but starting an...
  2. R

    TRT allergy

    Hi All. I recently started TRT with a clinic after reviewing bloodwork. My protocol was 140 mgs test cyp and 1,000 hcg divided 2x a week. Well after 2 weeks and 5 injections, all my injections became sore, red and itchy. I tried my stomach and quad areas. Im using a 27 gauge 1/2" and doing sub...
  3. S

    The probiotic Bifidobacterium Longum BB536 reduces constipation/diarrhea, normalizes the gut microbiome, increases immunity, and suppresses allergies

    Japanese review of the amazing health benefits of this particular probiotic strain: This particular strain of Bifidobacterium can be found in many of the "pearls" of Nature's Way. The pearls have a triple layer...
  4. S

    Allergic reaction to test proprionate?

    I've been using 15 mg of test prop daily for a few weeks now. I rotate between six injection sites. Lab values are right where I want them to be. I am kind of a stoic so I tend to ignore side effects but I finally realized yesterday that all six of my injection sites are achy and/or inflamed...
  5. DragonBits

    Estrogen and allergies: cost benefit analysis

    IMO estrogen is one of those hormones that have a cost benefit aspect. IMO the benefits out weigh the cost, but one should know about possible side effects of estrogen. Recently, I had allegoric reactions to amoxicillin and then to the eyedrops I had been using for a year, brimonidine. I...