advice on labs

  1. F

    TRT Journey, Next stop Kyzatrex

    Hello all, been lurking around this treasure chest of a site. so much excellent info here, thanks to all that post. im 48 year old male, in decent shape. Have played around w bio hacking for 15 years or so. I prob have Familial hypercholesterolemia, my cholesterol is usually in the 380 - 425...
  2. A

    Opinions on lowering dose

    Hello, Based on my bloodwork, let me know what you would do in this situation. I’m about to drop my testosterone dose: Current 120mg/week New: 96mg/week
  3. J

    Recent Yearly Bloodwork- some help please!

    Would like some assistance from the great minds on here regarding my recent labs. Some history= I am 52 yo, 6'1" and 220lbs, but muscular build as I lift heavy 3x week and am in good shape for my age (so I think). Been on TRT for about 10 yrs now. I have had primary hypertension since my 20's...
  4. J

    Timing for blood testing question

    I apologize as I am sure this has been posed many times, but I cannot find the resource- 1.=What is the optimal time to have labs done after pinning..... I do inj. on Monday a.m. and Thursday p.m. and plan to have blood draw on a Friday? 2. For PSA test, how long should one refrain from...
  5. H

    Off TRT 3 months, don’t feel much different.

    I was on TRT for about 10 years, spent a lot of time on the forums thinking that if I just kept at it and found the right doctor and the right protocol I would get some of the subjective benefits people talk about. 3 months ago I quit cold turkey, a partial list of my current labs are as...
  6. J

    Completely lost and deflated.

    First off I want to thank everyone who has helped me over the years with my protoco. But it seems to be like I am beating my head against the wall. I have hypogandis, 52, 5’8 155lbs and fit. I’m an epileptic who gets crushed by insomnia, which in turn causes seizures. Recently I have been...
  7. M

    Are my DHT levels too high?

    Hey gents - I'm new to TRT and new to this forum. Glad to have found both. I've been on TRT for about 12 weeks now. I'm on 80mg T Cyp 2x week, plus 500iu hCG 3x week. Also take 0.25mg anastrozole 3x week. Just had my first post-TRT labs done last week, and I'm wondering how my DHT levels compare...
  8. S

    High Estradiol - Labs - Advice Request

    Hello everyone. I have been away for a bit. I need some help with labs and advice. My recent labs had some values that were too high. I am male, early 50’s - 6’4” – 218 lbs – 17% body fat, in gym about 4 days per week. For years I was at about .21 ml (200mg/ml Test Cyp) every 3 days (SubQ) for...
  9. D

    Blood Results Today Show Low Estradiol vs. TT - Advice?

    Here's my current protocol: EOD injections of 14mg Test E for weekly total of 49mg of Test E. 10mg Cialis EOD Blood drawn on morning of injection BEFOREHAND to show trough Results As Follows: TT: 1033 (ref range: 193-740) FT: 58 (ref range: 8-27) E2: 37 (ref range: 41-91.9) Hematocrit: 47.3...
  10. J

    Female bloodwork questions

    Posting for my significant other (40yo) who is going to get a hormone panel done with the hope of maybe correcting some imbalances if there are any. She has been on the pill her whole life and just stopped taking it. As a male I am very familiar with male hormones and have been on TRT for the...
  11. R

    Looking for some reassurance/guidance

    Hello, Looking for some help/guidance in my trt protocol. I’m 34. 6’3 250 lbs. I experienced low t symptoms for a solid year before I went to the dr because I figured there was no way I would have this issue. About a month prior to going I had labs done at another facility. those are my labs...