advice needed

  1. L

    Any advie?

    Hey just wondering if anyone's had pretty decent test levels but decided to go down the trt route as they believed their levels were above average when they were younger but now you have low T symptoms but with average T? I've been basically feeling like my quality of life has been going down...
  2. S

    Initial reaction?

    What would your initial reaction be to these levels at face value? I sleep 8-9 hours per night and am still tired all day. I have had thyroid checked (although I still think I may be hypothyroid), Iron, etc. I am feeling lower energy these days. I am 51 and been on TRT since 2020. Took a...
  3. T

    Questions about hypothyroidism

    I'm a 52yo male 6'3" 215 lbs. I have thyroid panels running back to 2009. Since that time I have been testing mostly with TSH in the 3-4.5 range. I might have a blip where I test with 2.5. My primary care insists they are all in the normal range so he is not inclined to treat. My energy levels...
  4. V

    Advice on whether or not to start TRT or look for other causes

    I am trying to decide whether or not to start TRT or keep looking for another root cause as to why my bloodwork and symptoms are the way they are. I am 46 years old, decided to get labs checked and found a normal total T with low free T and high SHBG. Borderline hemoglobin A1c. I decided to...
  5. phalloguy100

    Are Clomid side effects worth it?

    Hey there! I've been on TRT for a while due to secondary hypogonadism. Due to moving / no job, I was off TRT for 2-3 years and my levels dropped to "normal" which for me is <200 total T. Started seeing a new PCP last year who ran 2 morning T tests, both came back low, so he started me on...
  6. J

    Big and Tall TRT dosage

    I need some advice on dosage. My doctor has me on .33ml a day subQ injection which comes out to 462mg a week. I am 6’6” 355lb. My labs after one week were extremely high and i’m having some crazy brain fog. How many milligrams do you recommend on a daily SubQ injection for someone my size?
  7. B

    Bimix dose advice

    Before Christmas I gave Bimix (150 mg / 5mg) a try, got my wires crossed and made a terrible mistake of only diluting with 1 ML of water instead of 5. Needless to say, I ended up in the ER after injecting 0.1 ml :( I got some Phenylephrine, a new vial of Bimix, and waited a month before trying...
  8. I

    Starting TRT while Obese?

    Just curious... my last two years of labs have shown my total T in the mid 300s, Free T in the mid 70s, E2 and SHBG in the low 20s.... I am 6'5" 280lbs and roughly 30% bodyfat...have a sedentary job and poor diet/sleep and haven't lifted weights seriously in about 5 years (though I did so...