
  1. M

    ADHD Medication and Testosterone

    WARNING- LONG READ From the age of 17-21 I was taking short acting Focalin which is similar to ritilin. I did find my appetite to go down however my metabolism was sped up so I would really have to force the food when trying to put on muscle. I think these meds are terrible for muscle growth...
  2. StephCurryFtw

    Weight Loss - Norepinephrine/Dopamine/TRT

    Not sure what thread to put this under— I have gained about 51 pounds since 2018 of mostly abdominal fat. I have noticed at a higher weight, I am not feeling as though my TRT is working long enough. I’m guessing it is getting converted into E2 and/or not hitting the receptor sites as my Free T...
  3. G

    Low Dopamine and ADHD while on TRT

    Ive been circling around this for a while now. When I started(2020) TRT it was remarkable. I could inject 200mg a week. Sometimes 250-300 a week. Last year it all started spiraling down hill. I didnt notice that it was the trt, so I changed up numerous other things I was doing. Sex drive went...
  4. W

    ADHD, treatments, libido

    So , quite sure I have had ADHD my entire life and considering getting treatment for it. Been 10 years of TRT, Thyroid protocol tweaking with pretty much zero improvement in libido and ED. PT-141, Viagra, Cialis all with minimal help. I have seen read some people get great improvement (and some...
  5. H

    UARS, suspecting ADHD. TRT uncovered dissatisfaction with my job

    I believe something happened what I was afraid off. After starting TRT I became more and more dissatisfied with my job as time went on. In June I turned 35 and a mid life crisis hit me, I wanna retire, go to a gym, talk to women, but I have enough savings to last only two years without touching...
  6. Y

    Best way to Inject HCG 1500IU for reversing testicular atrophy?

    Hi guys, I've recently got some HCG hormone, Pregnyl. The dose is 1500IU and it obviously comes with the vial of Bacteriostatic Water (1ml) along with the vial of the powdered HCG itself. My questions is dosing. I'm assuming that I can just add the 1ml of water to the powder and then split...