1. U

    22 years old treated with Clomiphene monotherapy, still have symptoms

    I have hypogonadism. I'm 22 years old with a total T level of 294.5. LH and FSH are also low normal. My doctor put me on clomiphene citrate to try and get my testosterone level up, so I took it for 6 weeks and it got my level up to 638, but I don't feel any different at all. Still tired, lack of...
  2. U

    Healthy 22 year old with 298ng/dL total test.

    Hi everyone. I decided to post here because I am at my witts end with the issues I've been having. For the past year I've had low testosterone. Testing at 348, 327, and now 298 ng/dL over 3 tests the past year. I live a healthy lifestyle, I go to the gym daily and love weightlifting. Diet is...