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  1. Vettester Chris

    Do I Have Primary Hypogonadism ?

    Your total test production compared to LH looks a little sluggish, but not in the tank. I've seen this with other guys in the past where they had similar results, and they had one testicle doing most of the work, and one (1) that was under-performing. Might want to run it by a Urologist or...
  2. Vettester Chris

    Anyone Every Stop Levothyroxine?

    Some people just don't do good with T4 only. Plus you need to factor if T4 is converting adequately, compare FT3 & Reverse T3, plus review where iron/ferritin & cortisol is sitting in the mix. All are variables that will factor into the effectiveness of thyroid hormone treatment.
  3. Vettester Chris

    Defy and compounding pharmacies

    Dido with the others, my experiences with Defy & Empower are A+++.. It's the real deal.
  4. Vettester Chris

    HRT Over 60

    Joe, HRT with women is definitely achievable, it's just a bit more methodical to address & administer. With the lack-of progesterone, estrogen tends to be dominant, and that's one of the KEY areas of imbalance. Estrogen dominance takes a toll in many areas, especially with the adrenals, and...
  5. Vettester Chris

    Need TRT?

    Do you have the complete 4x cortisol results available? And hopefully with DHEA correlation? It would be good to see it on a circadian graph, and plot the DHEA correlation accordingly. I have spreadsheet around here somewhere that will do this...
  6. Vettester Chris

    Need TRT?

    Is the book you are getting by Dr. Wilson? Adrenal Fatigue-21st Century Stress Syndrome? If so, it's loaded with good info. Yes, to answer you, adrenal wellness is crucial with the thyroid, as cortisol will play a vital role with FT3 getting to the cells (as does iron & ferritin). Too low, FT3...
  7. Vettester Chris

    New Member, thanks for this Forum!!

    There's definitely a lot of talking points, but I'll address thyroid .. The thyroid labs you ran are outdated and unfortunately useless for the most part. The "uptake" and "index" labs sound catchy, but they provide no useful details about where your thyroid sits. You can take that Thyroxine...
  8. Vettester Chris

    Need TRT?

    12.5mcg is only = to 1/2 grain. Don't worry about the TRH/TSH axis, it's pretty tenacious, and it will still be active when you're medicating, just at lower levels. My TSH ranges from 1.3 to 1.8 on 1.5 grains/day. I had labs done at one point when I was not feeling good, so I laid off the...
  9. Vettester Chris

    blood test time

    Good advise above. Run labs before you inject & fast, especially when lipids are involved.
  10. Vettester Chris

    How to Take Armour Thyroid with Fitness Supplements

    I personally don't see any conflict with those supplements and your NDT medication. I'd stick to your AM protocol on NDT, do your supplements later. As you mentioned, there's been some weight gain, but you also noted the diet and exercise situation wasn't optimal. Optimize those areas, regulate...
  11. Vettester Chris

    Help with Cytomel

    Your FT3/RT3 ratio is real low, around 12, meaning something might be causing T4 to be converting to RT3 at a higher rate than desired. It would be good to see the whole picture, with FT4, antibodies (TPO & TgAb), plus CBC's, iron/ferritin, D3, metabolic panel, etc., the gamut if you have it...
  12. Vettester Chris

    Thyroid labs results - Insane Rt3?

    Okay, good, if you feel good then that's what it's about.
  13. Vettester Chris

    Thyroid labs results - Insane Rt3?

    10mcg of T3 isn't even 1/2 grain when looking at it from an NDT point of view, which is evident in the FT3 results yielding at 25% of the reference range ... 50% to 80% IMO is where most men will want to aim for on FT3, but that's also factored with a FT3/RT3 ratio being >20. On Iodine, I would...
  14. Vettester Chris

    Thyroid labs results - Insane Rt3?

    Just curious if you've had any anitbody tests (TgAb or TPO) for autoimmune? RT3 can be triggered many ways, even just getting the flu or an injury will put the body in a state of conserving resources. I think you mentioned iodine and selenium supplementation .. What does your protocol look like?
  15. Vettester Chris

    Thyroid Results (what to do)

    Selenium has shown to be beneficial with anit-tpo, upwards of 450mcg dosages.
  16. Vettester Chris

    Low T and depression. could depression tank testosterone?

    Many don't really understand the endocrine system and presume the culprit must just some psychological disorder, which they love to promote SSRI's to be the answer. LOL a Heath Leger meme .., Many doctor won't think twice to prescribe SSRI's, pain killers, and other synthetic medications for...
  17. Vettester Chris

    Low T and depression. could depression tank testosterone?

    IMO it's probably the other way around ... Low T and other hormonal imbalances could prompt other reactions, affecting both psychological and physical well being. Full labs are needed to help with some of the talking points ..
  18. Vettester Chris

    Anyone familiar with cortisol lab results? Bad anxiety on TRT

    Can't really provide much without the reference ranges on all four labs. The circadian profile needs to be graphed with where your results compare within the reference ranges. Also, on DHEA did you get that in a saliva sample. With a full adrenal profile the results should include cortisol w/...
  19. Vettester Chris

    New Guy New Protocol

    Welcome to EM! Glad you joined!!
  20. Vettester Chris

    Thyroid-Hypo.. what is lowest amount of NDT that has helped?

    Yeah, you're kind of on the right track with the RT3 and FT4 ... T4 converts to T3 and RT3. If something is causing T3 to pool then the demand increases for T4 to convert to higher rates of RT3. However, when FT4 is only at 10.5% of the reference range (as in your case), the amount of RT3 will...
  21. Vettester Chris

    lowTengineer looking for help

    Yes, get everything done at one time with TSH, FT3, FT4 and RT3. It would also be good to know your antibodies TPO & TgAb, since there are fluctuations in the TSH.
  22. Vettester Chris

    Thyroid-Hypo.. what is lowest amount of NDT that has helped?

    You need to post the labs. If your Free T4 is at the bottom and Free T3 is at the top of the range, then Free T3 is possibly pooling. How does the RT3/ Reverse T3 ratio look? If FT3 is pooling then TSH will drop or level out, which is why FT4 will start to sink... To boot if FT3 is pooling then...
  23. Vettester Chris

    TSH Labs / Hypothyroidism

    TSH can be impacted with both subclinical and overt hypothyroidism (primary & secondary), and it's best served as a secondary marker to compare against other more crucial assays like FT3, FT4, RT3 & antibodies (all noted in other posts). No true conclusive diagnosis can be made on just TSH. If...
  24. Vettester Chris


    I started in January of 2009, almost 10 years ago exactly to the day +/-. I went for almost an entire year with the primary, which was initially referred and treated by the endo, who was a nightmare. Strangely, that was the BEST experience for me on this journey. If the treatment program would...
  25. Vettester Chris

    This Doesn't Make Any Sense...

    Just for the sake of conversation ... At 180mg/wk your total serum is 1333 ng/dl ... Seems about right At 160mg/wk your total serum is 1305 ng/dl ... Seems about right At 140mg/wk your total serum is 467 ng/dl (???) FLAG ... See below... If 180mg is the standard, then reducing the treatment...
  26. Vettester Chris

    This Doesn't Make Any Sense...

    My .02 is that you might be to cut the test down to 120mg, cut the HCG down to 250 or 300iu x 2 per week ... This could/might allow better balance, NOT needing any AI, which IMO could balance out E2, which could/should help a bit with the libido. Anytime I ever had any AI in my regiment it...
  27. Vettester Chris

    Does DHEA supplementation effect Thyroid even when on Exogenous source?

    It does, but more-so in a indirect manner. A DHEA imbalance will directly correlate with cortisol and the adrenals, which of course a cortisol imbalance will directly affect the transport activity of T3 into the cells of our bodies. This can result in pooling and elevated Reverse T3, which in...
  28. Vettester Chris

    Thyroid Lab Results, Need Help Interpreting Results

    There are a lot of details missing/needed, which are pertinent with your thread. First thing would be to also post reference ranges with your lab results. We also need to look at thyroid antibodies (TPO &TgAb) to understand if an autoimmune condition like Hashis is evident. IMO, 15mg of...
  29. Vettester Chris

    Hello to all

    Welcome to EM! Glad you joined!!
  30. Vettester Chris

    Just fot thyroid results, not sure next step

    Moose, your FT4 is a tad below reference range, so call it 0% of Ref Range, and FT3 is at 64%. Do you take Cytomel T3 medication? If you don't take T3 meds then something isn't right (?). T4 could be on the low end and converting excessively to T3, and possibly T3 is pooling (?), explaining...
  31. Vettester Chris

    Selenium has anti inflammatory effects and reduces the viral load in one’s body.

    ... And it's excellent for Anti- TPO enzyme autoimmune .. Many benefits!
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