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  1. Mr_Fusion

    Should I try Testosterone

    I’m 58 185lbs. and started Trt late last year due to low T at 152 total. I’m in remission from Hodgkin’s lymphoma and was down to 150lbs. My doctor started me on Androgel and it worked for several months, but I was never able to get my total T above 358 and the pre-Trt symptoms returned. My...
  2. Mr_Fusion

    Should I try Testosterone

    It's definitely time to get another doctor and take charge of your health...
  3. Mr_Fusion

    Has anyone successfully kept Hematocrit/Hemoglobin low without donating?

    Due to being in remission from Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, I am unable to donate blood. I recently started taking 10,800 FU of nattokinase (NK) daily which has been proven to lower Hemocrit according to research studies: Nattokinase: A Promising Alternative in Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular...
  4. Mr_Fusion

    Anxiety and depression while on testosterone

    I've struggled with depression most of my life and the most beneficial to me is consistently practicing daily meditation, exercising outdoors, and proper diet.
  5. Mr_Fusion

    The strange reason why your body ages most rapidly between 44 and 60.

    It took me at age 58 to finally give up alcohol completely and the health benefits are astounding! I just passed the one year mark and now with this new found energy and zest for life, plan on staying off for good. I've made staying healthy a priority, so anything that is not conducent to my...
  6. Mr_Fusion

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    I am very interested in staring a nandrolone base and you seem quite knowledgable on the subject. What would be a good expectation for my total-t level to look like at 200mg nandrolone/20mg test per week?
  7. Mr_Fusion

    What are typical nandrolone plus TRT protocols?

    Did you have a short time period when it was the best that you have ever felt on HRT and then you experienced side effects?
  8. Mr_Fusion

    Subcutaneous Test C - Supplies

    Thanks! I just ordered some 31g 5/16” and now good-to-go.
  9. Mr_Fusion

    Subcutaneous Test C - Supplies

    I've noticed that the needle tip bends slightly when drawing so the injections can be harsh.
  10. Mr_Fusion

    Subcutaneous Test C - Supplies

    I just started TRT injections and pin daily by back-filling a 29g 1/2" insulin syringe. By using proper clean hygienic techniques, I find this method optimal since I don't like drawing and injecting with the same needle.
  11. Mr_Fusion


    If your Endo is entirely fixated on the numbers and refuses to address your symptoms, then I would look elsewhere. For me, injections have been the way to go after a failed bout with the Androgel.
  12. Mr_Fusion

    Is it low T or High Blood pressure

    Tofu (soy protein) is notorious for causing reduced testosterone levels in men.
  13. Mr_Fusion

    Testosterone propionate supposedly the best ester?

    I was on the gel for nine months at three pumps. I'm feeling so much better on the injections and will never go back to the goo. Plus my hair stopped falling out!
  14. Mr_Fusion

    Testosterone propionate supposedly the best ester?

    How long were you on the Androgel and at what dosage?
  15. Mr_Fusion

    Testosterone propionate supposedly the best ester?

    Subq in glute fat is painless. I would avoid belly fat as I have had multiple irritations.
  16. Mr_Fusion

    Testosterone propionate supposedly the best ester?

    Yes indeed! The hair loss from the Androgel was like being back on chemo therapy. Injections for the win!!
  17. Mr_Fusion

    Testosterone propionate supposedly the best ester?

    Daily prop dose is 35mg and I am switching between subq and shallow IM using 29 guage 1/2" slin pin. I'm also dialing in injection time either first thing mornings or right before sleep to determine optimal protocol. The gel caused my hair to shed due to DHT levels which is no longer since...
  18. Mr_Fusion

    Testosterone propionate supposedly the best ester?

    The highest levels I could obtain using gel for nine months was 380. Made the switch three weeks ago to test prop daily injections and no longer feel like taking a bath with toaster...