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  1. S

    100mg 1x per week vs 50mg 2x per week

    Yeah, it sucks to have to do so, but I feel you are right. If I want it done correctly, I'll have to take matters into my own hands. So let's say I get outsourced testing and my shbg and or free test are low but my total T is still in the upper 800's or better, what are my next steps in...
  2. S

    100mg 1x per week vs 50mg 2x per week

    Thanks for the info folks! I have asked him twice about testing my free T and he says they have found that it's an unnecessary step without having issues first. He said he treats symptoms more than numbers or something like that. So how would I know if subQ is for me? How could I tell if it's...
  3. S

    100mg 1x per week vs 50mg 2x per week

    Hi, I'm new to the forum and new to try. In 2023 I was diagnosed with low testosterone and was prescribed a topical testosterone gell which didn't work. In fact my counts got lower after using it. So I went to a urologist and he ran some tests and decided I was a candidate for trt via...
Buy Lab Tests Online